Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Finding a house in Delhi is not easy and for bachelors it is doubly difficult. Maslow said that food, shelter and physical needs are the first level of satisfaction but for ppl like us (read, bachelor) finding a house is nxt to attaining self actualization, actually u r left with nothing but ur self. Probably Maslow never visited India, rather he has never been a part of house searching in India.
I am sharing my experience, I call it nightmare. I am not here to warn ppl but to prepare them for the Mission House Hunting.
After my MBA I got a job in Delhi and I was really excited till I came to know that I have to go house searching. Big cities come with big problems. So if u want to have a house on rent then u got to fulfill anyone of the followings: You got to have a few references or you gotta have a family, married ppl are considered trustworthy, ppl prefer to let bachelors handle country(refer to our ex-President and Ex - PM) but they wont trust a bachelor with their house or you have to have come thru a property dealer. For bachelors like me property dealers are GOD sent angels, just that they don’t fly.
Property dealers are one hell of a salesperson, they would make you believe that Qutab Minar is actually half Twin Tower. This guy takes me to a house where to reach is almost getting up the Himalayas. The stairs are so steep that everytime you walk down or go up the stairs u need a safety harness. Then the room is very shoddy and u feel like u need an oxygen cylinder to survive inside the room. This PD of mine then dares to ask “So?” with that irritatingly annoying smile of his “is this a deal”. I feel like killing this guy, or better making him stay in this room for a month at my expense. I choose to walk out.
They have a very strategic way of going about their business. First they will take you to places and show you houses that are pigeon holes, to say the least. Then they will take you to a barely livable place and you being tortured beyond death, go for the place in fear of going thru the ordeal again.
Everytime you go to a new house you meet new Landlords but they are all the same, they talk the same way, they have same questions and they all are big SOBs. Where would you find questions like Do u drink? Ya of course are u offering or asking. Do u have friends? No I am loner, in fact I am an alien just landed on earth. This question gets the Oscar: Do u have girlfriends? No I am gay are you interested. Then there will be rules: 1. No girls allowed: For heaven’s sake you are renting this house to a bachelor. 2. No late nights: How late is your night, for me the night starts after 3 am, till then its good evening. 3. You cannot have friends coming here all the time. Its like I have to disown my girlfriend, give up my friends, sacrifice my night life and then stay a loner, coz Maslow said to move to higher level of satisfaction you need to first satisfy the ones in the lower level, shelter being the first one.