Monday, November 16, 2009

Remembering Home...

Remebring about the place I once belonged,
The place I called home,
Of the people I called my own
The faces that I knew
Of love and of warmth

Where childhood grew
And the youth got a name
Where I learnt to walk
Where I spoke my first words

Where I fell in love
Where I had my first heart break
Where I had people I still call my friends
Where every person I knew had a relation with me....

It still is in my heart,
And will always be...
And will be carried to my grave
And lay beside me as I sleep forever

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lost and Found....

An alphabet lost a word. The word lost its meaning
A meaning lost life. It was going nowhere
A direction lost a traveler. The traveler chose the road less trodden
A love lost two hearts. They were lost in each other before that
An innocence lost a child. He grew up to be a man
A melody lost its song. Never did we hear it hummed
A follower lost religion. He is free
A road lost its way. Now it goes everywhere
Losing is a journey, gaining is the destiny
I lost 'Me', to find 'We'
And 'We' lived happily ever after...