Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ek Bechara Pati

The best part about friends is when you are alone they wont let you feel lonely and the worst part is when you want to be alone they wont let you be.

So this is the happy sad story of two newly wedded couple who happen to be staying together after eight months of their wedding. So when they finally settle down to start their family life, they choose this new city where they have a few friends and which they think is a very nice city to be in. Well, the city part, they were correct. Friends, well they are friends and you dont have much say about them. They choose to be good and bad and you have to accept them. So on their first weekend when they decide to spend some quality time together, they get interrupted by who else but friends. When you have one married friend in your whole bunch of bachelors and bachelorretes your wife is definitely in for some trouble, cooking food and making tea while you entertain your friends. But when your wife is also a part of the group, then you end up spending the time in the kitchen. So thats what happens with an obedient husband.... Do I have any takers?