Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I am Back

Have been a really long time since I last wrote and the delay is due to my unconvincing self, which never let me sit down and get keying-in. So now after almost 5 months I am here again. I will definitely try to be more regular.

Well long delays always mean that I have ample things to tell. Many things have happened during this time. For starters my status has changed from committed to married and still committed. I got a chance to go cycling into the wilderness of Chakrata mountains, which was not only refreshing but also a very very humbling experience. Met some people and more importantly made some more friends in life. Have a lot to share and am dying to do it.

On professional front I am now into a new organization. And also trying to get used to the culture of this organization. Well people lets get started then…. New blog article coming up soon…


Unknown said...

Actually, Mohanty deserves more than just 200 viewers. He does have a nice easy style. Un fortunately, you will not have people noticing you if you do not deride somebody. Anti establishment is the way to be.
But then, popular does not really make it right.
Which, in a funny (or deliberate, if Plaban wants to take due/undue credit) is also what the ‘koffee beans’ nomenclature is about..
Maybe, if you put a more obvious objective ( remember?… ‘moral of the story from primary school?) ‘ then things will be recieved more thankfully. With the work/metro/2012 pressure, most of the people looking for tales are hard pressed to find their closures.
