Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Smile

She passed by me for the second time. Coincidence?? Well could have been, but I have trained my mind to think otherwise, especially when a beautiful girl is involved. She was looking pretty in her tight jeans and cowboy check short shirt. Her hair was tied up in a bun and a pencil was carelessly tucked into it. She was wearing a pair of spectacles, which gave her look of an intellect. Her bag was hanging from one side of her shoulders, left shoulder. 'College going, probably', I thought to myself. "I think she likes me", I whispered into Manish's ear. "And what makes you think so?", he questioned.
"She looked at me and smile"
"There could be a million reasons for her to smile", he tried to reason.
"One of them could be me", i tried to justify.

Manish preferred to remain silent. Being friends for five years with me, had taught him that in cases like such, I am a die-hard fool. And this was not the first time that a girl has passed by me, but I was sure the smile was definitely for me. And to prove this, she returned. She walked towards me. And when I say me, it means 'me only'. She looked into my eyes and smiled. Thats the moment I knew I was the reason. Then she spoke in her sugar coated, honey wrapped voice "Would you mind standing up? This is a lady's seat". Manish burst out laughing. She and the rest of the passengers, just looked at him and then ignored. I stood up and took the position next to the pole. She made herself comfortable next to Manish. The bus was full, but all were seated and the only person standing was me.

Manish kept smiling all through the journey. Thankfully it wasn't long one, the journey. Neither was this love story.... Well its my story and choose to call it a love story!