Monday, September 29, 2008

Keep Loving

What is the best feeling in the world?
Being in love? Being with the person you always wanted to be with?
Going to moon or is it driving the costliest car on the surface of the earth? Is it Lamborghini?
what else can it be ? Looking at the world, there could be zillions of things which could make you feel on the top of the world. That’s the feeling. The feeling of driving the best car, having a dream job as i read on a blog which talked about Dream Job, Dream Body and Dream Relationship. But all that makes you feel best and which you think to be the ultimate goal, doesn't stay long. Doesn't it appear really weird? It’s that particular moment, may be a fraction of a second or may be few minutes hours or days or at times years. But ultimately, that happiness, that joyous moment fades away. It was a good thought that one needs to maintain that state with the same effort that one makes to achieve it.
Quite a point of view.

Anyways coming back to the "best feeling ever", I suppose by now you would have given a thought over it. Believe me; it was really tough for me to decide what this feeling must be. What it is that would make me feel the best? For me – the thing I wrote first is the thing that I believe to be the best feeling for me. So living without loving is something that I can never dream of. So, when that someone for whom you have dreamt the stuffs that make your future decides one fine day to move out of your life, what do you do then? You protest, you pull that person closer or you let go… none of these actions are questionable as this is not a question of ethics, logic or morale probably that’s the difficulty when you think of heart. Heart follows no rule. I am not here to preach about any particular action, I would just like to put it this way that I am going to tell something in which I believe in.

Long ago I had heard this saying, then it used to be just a forwarded SMS: “If you love someone and the person wants to leave you, then let her go, if she returns she is yours and if she doesn’t then she never was”. I believe in this. Not only ‘coz it is the true test of love and feeling, but also ‘coz I think if you love someone then you must be ready to gift a smile to that person even at the cost of your own pain. So when you love someone never make a condition that the person has to love you, love that person no matter whether the love is mutual or not, no I am not asking you to be GOD, in this world where being human is the most tasking thing, being GOD is something that even GODs would not dare trying.

When that person leaves you, you probably don’t know what has made you to deserve this pain. Destiny is probably some would say, but then wasn’t it the same destiny that had brought you together. So why the hero called DESTINY suddenly tries to play villain or is it the cupid who got angry with you. I have no answer, again, but then I think its we who make or break a relationship. So when a relationship gets sour, rather than blaming each other the best thing we can do is wish the other person all the best for the future and a happy life.



Love might leave you, but you don’t leave love…



The Wait...

The sunny days are gone,
All I have is a broken heart,
It wasn’t meant to be like this,
But this is life or something like that.

The winter is here,
Its cold all around,
My heart shivers in pain,
No warmth to be found.

I will wait for the spring to come,
For the birds to sing the love song,
For all that has happened I still love her,
And I hope she still loves me, or am I wrong?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happiness to Me

To me , getting off a plane is always interesting . Besides giving me a chance to smuggle out the in flight magazine, It kinda reflects the times we live in . It goes like this . The tyres hit the strip with a slight thud , bouncing off the ground a couple of times and waking up the old women who had dozed off . The pressure of the air against its extended wings soon slows it down . It glides slowly on the strip , making a couple of lazy turns while some lady on the announcement thanks you for flying with them even though they made you wait 4 hours at the airport and tells you the temperature outside is way too low than you hope it is . Now the plane stops down . And then , the interesting part starts .
People jump off their seats , brushing their bottoms against each other faces . Uff . Excuse me . Watch it . Will you please pull off your suitcase off my toe ? Pulling open the flaps over their heads . Switching on their cellphones . Someone yells "What ? You havent sent the car ? What the hell! ". Most people stand scrunched in the aisle , all forming an untidy queue , looking with tense eyes towards the end of the plane , wondering why the doors ain’t opened yet .
I still lie pushed down in my seat, while David Gilmour (Lead Singer, Pink Floyd) croons Comfortably Numb, exactly the state of my mind.
And as I lie in my seat , watching people stand on each other's feet , I wonder , jaldi kya hai yaar ? This plane blows up in three minutes ?
So many people are in so much hurry . That guy in a silver Swift behind my auto who is honking is in a hurry to get to his office ( Yaar overtake karte hue gaali kyun deta hai ? Accha hindi ki gaali to mat de ) . Students are in a hurry to read their chapters before they face the exams . My boss is in a hurry to get that report .That waiter at McDonalds is in a hurry to serve table number 4. People sitting at table number 4 are in a hurry to eat what comes to the table. People at the boarding gate are in a hurry to get onto the plane . When it lands , they are in a hurry to get out of it. Everybody is in a hurry to get somewhere . Few people want to stay in the moment they are in.
Now I don't know . Maybe these guys know where they want to get to. They see where they need to get to and they want to get there fast . You see , driven , focussed people. Achievers . Desh ko aage badane wale log. People you see shaking hands with white people on NDTV Profit . Maybe I am just a slow guy who likes to listen to music and type down words which interest nobody while the world around me reaches for the stars . You see , I don't have a problem with the 'wanting to achieve things' thing . Even I want to achieve things , even if they are a vegetable burger with cheese , and a TV remote , and someone who shares all that with me .
But what I don't understand is that why hurry ? Jaldi kya hai . Kidhar jaana hai ? I mean , life is not in the future . Life is now . This moment .I mean , it's like..
When I was in school , people told me happiness is getting good grades in board exams. We know that , kid .
When I got those, they told me happiness was getting into a top engineering college. ( Note kiya , kitna intelligent hoon main ?)
When I got that , they told me that happiness is definitely getting into a good MBA college. Pakka . Sachi . Muchi. Confirmed.
When I did that , happiness was defined as getting out of MBA and earning a handsome salary. Arre 100% happiness yehi hai . USA mein researchers bhee yehi kehte hai.
Now When I have done that(I can afford to say that, I think the IT guys are not looking here), happiness is ? Hello! What is it nowwww ? Bol do kake. Kitthe jaana hai ab ?
So ladies and gentlemans , now that the world has been telling me what to do , this is what I have learnt - all the above stuff is important , but happiness is something they dont need to tell you about . It is something you feel, that’s what the autowallah, in which I was coming told me. And only you decide what makes you happy. When others don't know where you want to be, how can they tell you how to get there ?
Like , for me , happiness is.
On a lazy Sunday , I watch a jim carrey flick on TV , eat a full lunch , and watch another jim carrey movie.
When ma asks me to take a bath and I put my arm around her shoulders and say "Chill , ma.Do dinn hee to hue hai." (I really miss those days)
When I say stupid things to someone who would not think "Huh? Isko problem kya hai?."
Sitting in my balcony on a December morning and drink hot coffee, listening to music.
Talking to someone who understands me, and accepts me even when I am all boring .
Playing chess with Baba and getting beaten by him at it too. (We don’t do that anymore , he is tired of
Caring for someone I want to care for.
Meeting a bunch of friends over a couple of huge pizzas and crack pathetic jokes about our college professors and why worst guys get the best girls.
Having tea at a roadside stall and having omlette and bread… the best food in the world
Dancing in the rain…
Having butta in rainy season…
Listening about Manish’s new GF (oops he is getting married)…
Taking a trip to nowhere…
Watching a match of cricket and cursing every Indian batsman for getting out cheaply…
Cheering for Nadal everytime he faces Federer...
Looking at Ana Ivanovic making those great forehand nad Backhands on the court and still not getting enuf of it....
Watching movies with anyone, everyone and, at times noone…
Blogging when I get time…
Having those long chats with my friends about nothing…
Spending times with the children at Sakshyam…
Spending time with myself…
Above all Happiness is just, being me.
So you see, what makes me happy is stuff I have not achieved, but stuff , which , I already have , had all the way along . So I know I need to achieve things , but hey , there is no hurry .Because I need to achieve things to survive , but to be happy , not much is needed . Some music and a vegetable burger , with cheese , will do just fine for now.
Anshul, Shilpa, Manish and Praneesh: If u guys are reading this then I am sure you understand what I am saying… Btw Manish you still owe me 100 bucks.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Reason Your Read My Blog

No seriously, I don’t know if this classifies me as a handicapped person , but I can not type stuff about a particular single topic. I mean, people leave comments saying the blog lacks direction , is shallow and contains content stupid enough to make Govinda look like a philosopher . But after twenty minutes of trying to write something sensible , like something which expresses my concern over HIV infected kids in Rwanda , or something which tries to tell the world that we must save the blue whales before they are all dead , I decided that there are enough pillars of the society to do that , and I also decided that I am hungry .
So now as I drink a pack Meethi Lassi of Verka Milk, I think I will just talk whatever I want to even if it makes me look as intelligent as Sameera Reddy and leaves you sick in the stomach.
So the next I pick up the pen (read, keyboard) guys be sure that you gotta get more crap. Sense has never made sense to me and chaos is something that looked really systematic to me. I find myself to be usually-challenged, I mean you wont find me doing usual things and that doesnt make me unusual.

So to read my blog you don't need to have a reason... but of course post readin it you definitely have a reason to kill me...