Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Reason Your Read My Blog

No seriously, I don’t know if this classifies me as a handicapped person , but I can not type stuff about a particular single topic. I mean, people leave comments saying the blog lacks direction , is shallow and contains content stupid enough to make Govinda look like a philosopher . But after twenty minutes of trying to write something sensible , like something which expresses my concern over HIV infected kids in Rwanda , or something which tries to tell the world that we must save the blue whales before they are all dead , I decided that there are enough pillars of the society to do that , and I also decided that I am hungry .
So now as I drink a pack Meethi Lassi of Verka Milk, I think I will just talk whatever I want to even if it makes me look as intelligent as Sameera Reddy and leaves you sick in the stomach.
So the next I pick up the pen (read, keyboard) guys be sure that you gotta get more crap. Sense has never made sense to me and chaos is something that looked really systematic to me. I find myself to be usually-challenged, I mean you wont find me doing usual things and that doesnt make me unusual.

So to read my blog you don't need to have a reason... but of course post readin it you definitely have a reason to kill me...