Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Jaipur Trip...

This was one of the time when there was no planning before I embarked on this trip to Jaipur. It was one of the most impromptu decisions taken for a trip. Last weekend was a long one and thts when me and K decided to go on a trip. Shimla, Jaipur, Chandigarh and even Delhi trip were al discussed, a few friends were asked to join us but all denied and thts when we decided that come what may we would be going.
It was not one of the pleasant beginnings. We started with a hit on the road, by hit I mean we met with an accident as soon as we hit the road. But it was a minor one and I didn’t let tht affect K. She chose to drive and chose to drive her mad all the way with my sense of humor and choice of music. It was a long way to Jaipur, and the rain and beautiful weather just made the things better.
It was a wonderful road trip. Driving among the lush green fields, between hills and at times on the road between no where. Our first stop was at Midway, where we halted to have some tea and samosa. Then we again got rolling, this time me handling the wheels.
We reached Jaipur around 3-30 pm and headed straight for the Amer fort. It was drizzling and touring the whole fort on foot, with drizzle and cloud giving company was bliss. It helped us to enjoy it thoroughly. Where else would you have the pleasure of watching the fort in the dune city in the hues of greenery, but when it rains. I had heard tht a girls charms can help you achieve things, and k made me believe that, when she got both of us get into this boutique kinda place inside the fort, which is reserved for some serious buyers and must I say the things inside were real royal and royally expensive too. Your charms did the magic babe...
Then we moved to Chokhi Dhaani and it was an awesome place. With all those old world charm and everything around it felt like a walk into the past...
Jhoola, camel ride, bio scope, chuski, dal bhati, gatte, bullock carts and what not...
And when the time came to get back to the concrete jungle... We had no choice but to bundle up the memories in a safely treasured corner of the heart and keep it for eternity.
One of the most enjoyed trips in my life...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kaminey: Awe'f'ome movie

There have been many times when we come across a path breaking movie, the one that doesn't go with the flow but tries to break the mould and try something different.
Kaminey is a movie that does exactly that. It makes people think, this certainly is not a movie that would have too many followers. Probably the mass connect of the movie is lacking. But then you can never sideline the fact that you are watching a movie that makes you sit on the edge of the seat all the time.
Well when we talk about the story, its about twin brothers, who happen to be chalk-and-cheese, then they are caught up in a crossroads, where they change lanes and how things take a turn from there on.
The ensemble of brilliant actors is just a beginning. Where would you have had Amol Gupte acting as Bhope Bhau. There is a long list of first time actors, Chandan Roy as Mikhail does a memorable act.
Shahid pitches in with one of his career's best performance and Priyanka just adds range to her already versatile acting prowess.
But at the end the movie is a vision of the director. The director, who has given us Indian version of some of William Shakespearen tales. With this one Vishal Bharadwaj stamps his authority at telling intelligent story, making himself stand out in the crowd of movie makers.
The movie would have been incomplete without the cuttting edge cinematography and brilliant music. The dark and dull look makes this movie look morbid which adds to the story line...
Watch out for the petrol pump scene between Shahid and Priyanka, Face off between the twins at the end, Amol Gupte (Bhope) and Chandan Roy (Mikhails) childish banter and of course the final action scene....
A must watch recommendation from my side.....

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Shortlived Vacation....

It was a cool evening yesterday and to my surprise the pleasantness stayed on till the morning. It was such a wonderful thing to see the sun wearing shades and not scaring you with its wrath. I love a day when it starts with an out-of-office message from sun and cool breeze blowing across. Its just an icing on the cake to know that the day happens to be a holiday... what else do you need.
No clients, no bosses, only bliss; sitting on the balcony sipping tea out of the zodiac mug (the one with your zodiac sign) and stretching lazily... Reading newspaper is a luxury tht hard working souls like us can rarely afford in the morning, but today was a different thing... I had sometime to flip through a morbid newspaper. Yes, morbid since you find swine flu written everywhere.

Well now that I have to rush to office, yes it was a shortlive one... and i tried to squeeze in some time for myself....

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Love You Maa

I am off to home, not been long when I was last there but then whenever I feel exhausted or need to rejuvinate, nothing better than home comes to my mind.

I still remember long time back, a couple of decade ago i presume, when i was a little boy, i remember falling off a swing and banging my head against an iron rod. I had done some major damage near the right eye, tears had tricked down those eyes then, she had felt the pain more than me and she still does, when I am hurt. Yes Maa. She is always there for me and always loves mewithout telling me how much she loves me and how much I mean to her.

As children we all thought our mothers to be nothing sort of a super human, i mean where else would you find someone doing so many things and not even once thinking about herself.

Every exams we take are like her exams, she would stay up all night only to ensure that we dont fall asleep. And I doubt if we match her excitement every time we succeed in our life, she is the first one to celebrate our successes. And she is the first shoulder that we all like to hang on to at every small or big failures in our life. She is the emotional balance that we all cling on to.

I remember the day I left my home for further studies, she had emotions flowing down her eyes, and I know she still misses my presence. But she will never let me feel that. She is a strength that I always rely on.

I miss those hot cup of tea she used to serve me during the exam times, late in the night. I miss those shouting at me when I used to keep my room unclean. I miss her hand made food. I miss her pep talks when I am down. I miss my antakshari sessions with her. I miss her lullaby.

Maa this is for you: telling you that all that you have done to me and all that you would be doing I love you, I respect you and I miss you. I know you would be there for me when I need you the most and even when no one would be there to hold my hand, you would be there to take care of me...