Friday, August 14, 2009

A Shortlived Vacation....

It was a cool evening yesterday and to my surprise the pleasantness stayed on till the morning. It was such a wonderful thing to see the sun wearing shades and not scaring you with its wrath. I love a day when it starts with an out-of-office message from sun and cool breeze blowing across. Its just an icing on the cake to know that the day happens to be a holiday... what else do you need.
No clients, no bosses, only bliss; sitting on the balcony sipping tea out of the zodiac mug (the one with your zodiac sign) and stretching lazily... Reading newspaper is a luxury tht hard working souls like us can rarely afford in the morning, but today was a different thing... I had sometime to flip through a morbid newspaper. Yes, morbid since you find swine flu written everywhere.

Well now that I have to rush to office, yes it was a shortlive one... and i tried to squeeze in some time for myself....