Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Love You Maa

I am off to home, not been long when I was last there but then whenever I feel exhausted or need to rejuvinate, nothing better than home comes to my mind.

I still remember long time back, a couple of decade ago i presume, when i was a little boy, i remember falling off a swing and banging my head against an iron rod. I had done some major damage near the right eye, tears had tricked down those eyes then, she had felt the pain more than me and she still does, when I am hurt. Yes Maa. She is always there for me and always loves mewithout telling me how much she loves me and how much I mean to her.

As children we all thought our mothers to be nothing sort of a super human, i mean where else would you find someone doing so many things and not even once thinking about herself.

Every exams we take are like her exams, she would stay up all night only to ensure that we dont fall asleep. And I doubt if we match her excitement every time we succeed in our life, she is the first one to celebrate our successes. And she is the first shoulder that we all like to hang on to at every small or big failures in our life. She is the emotional balance that we all cling on to.

I remember the day I left my home for further studies, she had emotions flowing down her eyes, and I know she still misses my presence. But she will never let me feel that. She is a strength that I always rely on.

I miss those hot cup of tea she used to serve me during the exam times, late in the night. I miss those shouting at me when I used to keep my room unclean. I miss her hand made food. I miss her pep talks when I am down. I miss my antakshari sessions with her. I miss her lullaby.

Maa this is for you: telling you that all that you have done to me and all that you would be doing I love you, I respect you and I miss you. I know you would be there for me when I need you the most and even when no one would be there to hold my hand, you would be there to take care of me...