Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Its appraisal time and I had no choice but to say yes when my boss said that we are supporting the Knight Riders, nt that I dnt love them but had it been any other name then also I had no choice. I know a lot of u mi8 be going thru the same kinda situation. Appraisal times are the toughest time for a under-performer like me. You start doing things that u r nt used. To start with, you reach office on time. Its not easy I must, somebody was rite when he said ‘Habits Die Hard’. A month before the appraisal you try to make up for all the things that you have nt done for the last century (The year I mean).
So you have to reach the office before the boss does and have to be looking at the PC all day thru. If at all you need to take break then move fast so that ppl mi8 get the idea tht u r too bz to talk. And hey it helps when u move fast. You have to cut down on the smoke breaks and the usual chit chat times. Its boring I understand but then that’s what u have been doing all thru the year and appraisal times are like taking a break frm the stereotypical things and strt wrking.
So a month b4 the appraisal time I got to my working mode. I reached office on time, to the surprise of many of my colleagues. Step two, ask stupid questions as that makes your boss happy, I mean a stupid person can only answer it. So these questions make him feel imprtnt and hey it helps getting those brownie points as a good learner. Now tht the boss has already recognized you nw u gotta be a bit sincere. Dnt try to overdo it as that mi8 spell doom for you. Every time you mail something to the client, CC it to ur boss. If u have nothing to do then go up to the boss and ask him does he have anything for you, what a pro-active employee. During discussion or brain storming time blurt out heavy marketing jargons, I know at times they won’t mean anything neither does these brain storming sessions mean, so u have nothing to loose. so the other time the boss barged into my bay, while I was catching up on my sleep, I was adjusted my self jus in time to look as if I was thinking a lot, nw thts called in the nick of the time. Have the shortest lunch possible fr the one month I know ur health gonna take a beating but then a good carrier can handle tht rite. Be the last one to leave the office. I know the steps are hard to follow but then its all for a good cause… so even if u feel that these things are hard to follow but then a year of paid holiday, is a nice incentive rite. Hey gotta go for my review…