Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This happened last weekend, I got a call from my friend and he was sounding very down. I knew something was amiss. So I just asked him “Is everything fine?”, he started crying. All I could make out of those sobbing noise was “She has left me…”. I knew it’s the beginning of many counseling sessions and a big telephone bill at the end of the month.
Heartbreaks are hard to handle. People think that its easy to mend broken bones than broken heart and they r probably ri8.
Its nt a topic that all wud be comfortable reading and some mi8 throw rotten eggs at me for writing this crap, but at the risk of getting assaulted I am writing this one coz some great thinker once said Express Yourself, or was it Airtel.
So this piece is dedicated to all the broken hearts out there. I must say life in this world is not easy and more so when ppl reject u fr no fault of urs. This happened to my friend. He was blissfully into this relationship, hoping that someday he would get married to this girl of his dreams. But things dnt alwez wrk out the way u want them to and this was one of them. One fine morning he gets a call from his girl saying that things are nt going the way she wants to and that’s why she thinks the best thing to do is call it quits. My friend was helpless and had no clue wat to do. How was he gonna spend his weekends, no more disc and pubs, no more valentine’s day parties and more imprtntly he has joined the Dumped-by-a-girl club. Yeah I know being in a relationship does have its advantages, you can go anywhere and most imprtntly u go everywhere. Disc entry is so easy with a girl in arm. Single ppl has pratically gt no place on earth.
Sorry ppl I was jus getting carried away. This article is nt about hw to handle broken relationship, its more for the ppl who have friends with a broken heart and dnt have a clue hw to deal with them. It happened with me and I m sure many pf u mi8 hav gone thru the same. I mean ppl with broken hearts think tht the whole world has turned into an AGONY AUNTS club and catch every single persn they cn lay their hand on and ask for counseling. So when this friend of mine came to my place on Friday evening I was sure that my weekend is spoilt, but then at this point of time u cnt tell him please leave as someone else has already said tht to him. U r virtually left with no choice but to welcome him, now listen guys while welcoming there’s a few tips to follow, open the door smile, the smile should contain – 20% warmth, 30% sympathy, 50% I-m-there-with-you written on it. A pat on the shoulder doesn’t wrk all the time. Ppl at time take it as a cue to cry and then they make ur shoulders wet. So never pat on their shoulder as if saying “Oh! I am so very sorry for you”.
Let them speak coz the more they speak they think tht they are in control of the situation and dnt interrupt. Ur words will alwez wrk like a double edged sword, I know some of u mi8 be thinking to be gr8 counselors and I dnt doubt their skills but this piece is for lesser humans. So listen, it wrks, as they wud shut up after talking to you for an hour or so.
Switch off ur TVs and Radios, u knw the Brkn Hrts alwez find something depressing even from the Jay Leno Show, so jus keep them away frm such stuffs. Dnt ask them things like when did it happen, how or why. They alwez start with “I dnt knw…” or “It was alrite….”.
Keep them away from drinks as they gonna drink helluva lot and then puke all around the place and u wud be left with a lot of puke to clean.
Alwez store a lot of tissue papers nt u but ur friend will need it. U ll c various forms of cry also, I mean there will be the slight sobbing to complete out burst. Just make sure ur neighbours don’t wake up and beat the daylight out u fr disturbing them. Keep telling them that life doesn’t end here, it makes them feel good and they will get better one’s, it will make them feel even better. For a person who is ditched the biggest pleasure is when he/she finds his/her partner burning in hell, sorry for the language I meant suffering. But there are some son/daughter of cupids who believe in eternal love and think that ‘if u love some1 truly then u ll get it’, my advice buddy we r talking human beings nt toffees.

Piece of advice for Broken Hearts:

I know it hurts to be alone but God alwez has something good in his mind.
Try to move on, world doesn’t end here.
There are more fishes in the pond, just hang on to ur fishing rod.
Crying hasn’t helped any1 so it wont help you.
Most imprtntly, treat a relationship like a job alwez has a back up, u never know wen u gona get ur pink slips.