Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I love dancing, I know a few mi8 be raising their eyebrows, I would ask them to read the line carefully, I said I love dancing not that I dance well. I mi8 nt b d best of d dancers bt I nt 1 vth two left feet. So one fine day me and a friend of mine decided tht v r wasting our talents in the corner of our workstations and need to hone our talent for the gr8er cause called art of dancing. So both of us after pondering a lot over various forms of dancing decided to settle for the SALSA.
Salsa as you all knw has lot of close body movements and my friend being in a relationship had to take permission from her boyfriend. I was initially apprehensive that he mi8 nt give the permit but to my surprise tht wasn’t the case. So we started our classes. Initially there weren’t much of a pressure as both of us knew hw to move our feet. But as the classes became more intense the feet struggled to move and tht meant more classes and more hours in the studio. More hours in studio meant my friend had less time to spend with her BF.
Nw Mr BF who at first seemed to be very open minded and all tht stuff was getting a bit fussy over the long hours in the dance studio with a guy. So the usual became unusual and the daily fights became a norm. In the whole scene I was like a guy pulled in from no where. One fine ni8 Mr BF calls me on my mobile and says that u need to maintain a distance from my beau, its hard to explain Salsa to ppl, it’s a close contact dance form and we cannot learn Salsa if I maintain distance from her, but I chose to keep quite. There were a few verbal abuses that I cnt mention here but I think a few of u mi8 already have gt a few synonyms in ur mind.
I on the other hand was enjyng all these stuff, to be true. Although I once asked Mia(Name changed), the friend of mine, to stop the classes but she was hell bent that if v r nt doing anything wrong then why shud we be worried, kudos to women empowerment. So the more the classes the less the love and the inverse proportion worked at a very fast pace and at the end of one month with four classes of Salsa, numerous hours of fight (Between Mia and Mr BF) and a few calls on my cell everything ended, including the Salsa class. Yeah its true even Mia left the class.
Now I really understand if she had to leave the class then what was the fuss all about. Ppl sometime learn late, but this was certainly a learning experience, I was short by a couple of thousands, learnt a few Salsa moves and decided that never to have a partner who has a BF. But yeah I am looking for a new partner for Salsa… Ne body there…