Monday, August 4, 2008

The Friendship Day Celebration...

We were at U’s place for the Friendship Day celebration. We = Me, Konda, Cinthol and Vandy. On Saturday we were to reach U’s place. It started with we going to Vandy’s office to pick her up, after making us wait for god knows how long and making us eat samosas from the thela (stall) infront of her office, her five minutes ended and she emerged out of her office. Then we went to my place, I had to change into new clothes(Had been wearing the same) but then Cinthol’s car showed some signs of ill-health and had to be taken to a doctor (Mechanic). Once we got it treated we moved to U’s place. Traffic alwez seems to be high when you are in a hurry and today was no difference. Cinthol’s driving skills and patient were put to test and I don’t want to comment on either, all I would say is we reached U’s place safely. U was waiting for us in her ‘jailbird dress’ at her gate.
The good thing about U is she cooks well, okay there are other good things about her tooo but being a foodie I noticed the obvious. We had our dinner, with bong friends the best thing is tht u get bong food – so we had fish for dinner. Konda had a long dinner (thts a humble way of putting that he had a lot of food). Post dinner we all sat down to talk, I suggested tea and the rest suggested tht I prepare it. Thank god the milk was bad, so we had to shelve the idea. Then Cinthol wanted black tea and I decided to put my hand up for the same too. U prepared two cups of black tea. We had our tea and decided to go to the terrace. Open sky and nice wind, then Cinthol had this weird idea, he usually comes up with them, that we shud go to nizammudin, the idea wasn’t weird for the choice of place but more so for the time, it was 1:00 am. From Dwarka to Nizammudin it took us a little over 45 minutes I think, we were not keeping time. We reached Nizammudin, Vandy, Cinthol, U and me had coffee and samosas. Konda had faluda and then we sat down chatting at the comesum. One thing nice about comesum is you never get bored, if you are bored with the company you are having then you can alwez look around there are so many beautiful girls to look around and tht too at this time, its cool. It was 3-30 and we thought we better make a retreat. As we moved out of the nizammudin, I had a near death experience, a car moving at deadly speed and driven by a driver with no sense of driving (probably trying to show off to pretty girls around), moved towards me. I didn’t move. The car went almost brushing me, save for a few centimeters. U and Vandy were mad at the driver and then at me for being so careless, I was trying to be hero and they almost did what the driver left unfinished bashed me. After we returned home (U’s place). We all went to bed. A tired day coming to an end. Sleep is what we all needed and that’s what we all got. It was 4-30 am.
Next I woke up before anyone cud, my mobile helped me. At times I don’t understand are these mobiles made for your convenience or not. I started with pestering people with my waking up smses, the victims were Vandy and U, female skew in the victimization was not intended. Slowly everybody woke up. Then we sat down to have our early morning tea and breakfast. Then after that we played dumb-charade. No winners, I mean we all turned out to be not-so-dumb. Post the dumb-charade and poori-aloo sessions we gt ready to hit the road (I mean went to Gurgaon). We had called Ritu, who after lots of talks and counter-talks agreed to join us. So we first went to Metropolitan Mall got our tickets booked for Ugly aur Pagli (movie) and then went to have our lunch at Bar-be-que Nations. Ritu joined us there. We had upto our fill. Then we had rush as the movie was about to begin. As it turned out, everyone had a movie to catch or so it seemed from the rush. We had to move around for almost half an hour before we got a parking space, then dashed towards the theatre. We missed the first 15 minutes. The movie was funny and with friends around everything seems to be funny. Post movie we went to Barista. Bought some friendship bands from a store, tied around each others wrists, took snaps and then bid farewell to each other. Cinthol our official driver, dropped us all home. In between U, Me and Vandy had our song and dance sessions but we failed to keep Konda awake, who was sleepy half thru the drive back. Vandy joined him too. It was a gr8 weekend…

At times I think u dnt need a friendship day to celebrate friendship. It could have been any weekend, it being a friendship day weekend was a coincidence, wat say!!!

As my music player plays “Friends will be friend right till the end” by queen, I nod smilingly…