Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is Thin In???

I looked at myself in the mirror for a few moments more than I use to and something inside me said that probably I am getting into shape, the round one I mean. Not a nice sight, especially when you know that you’re 24 and not married. The salability of a rounded personality is low in a marriage market. Yeah, I am serious. With the absurdity of six pack abs and v-shaped body, a guy with a slightly mis-placed muscles (read, bulging tummy) finds it difficult to get into the in-crowd.
I thought hard on hw to chisel out tht extra bit of unwanted fat out of my body, as the dard-e-disco video played on MTV, I gt the clue that the size-zero has nothing to do with looking like zero(round). Early morning walks are out of question as for that an early morning waking up is required. Regular gymming is difficult but manageable, so as the doctor prescribed, regular gymming was my dose of medicine. I bought a new pair of shoes, a new track and a few t-shirts, they say a good beginning is work half done. So I thought atleast by doing this I am gonna shed half the weight that I aimed at, but soon realized they were wrong. I was still a li’l above mid-70. My office had a gym and what better place to go than the office gym after the working hours. So I decided that I would be hitting the gym right after the work and come what may, I am defini8ly going to get into my 30-waist jeans in two months time.
First day was a good beginning, I did 3 sets of push ups with 40 in each. I ran for 45 minutes on the treadmill. I refrained from maggi and other such indulgences. Chocolate is something tht I don’t consider as an indulgence, rather a necessity. One week and thhe signs were there to be seen. I was feeling a lot lighter and a lot easy. Fitting into all my archived clothes were not that easy but then I was surely reaching there. Good things alwez come to an end and in my case as alwez, they come to an end a lot before. So work started piling up and I couldn’t devote my time to the gym.
Soon I had to upgrade my clothes… I hope you understand. Now, I work, I eat whatever I feel like and do what I think I should do. I still feel a lot easy, might not be as easy, but who cares. I sat down to think and realized, was I doing it to look good or to look different, was I trying to get in shape, if yes then at what cost. I know everyone has this need to look good and to be cool. But what is cool, who says that this is the right size, this is the right colour, this the right cloth? Who?
I know my eating habits are not good and I need to change that. I have a round shape, but do I need to change that, I don’t think so. Why should I? I love my chocolates and my pastries.
My trainers, my track lay in my wardrobe and stare blankly at me, knowing that they have a very dark future or none at all.
As I passed by a hoarding I saw an ad – I am more (I hope they are not talking about my weight)… Until the fitness freak in me raises his voice again this material will inspire to stay the lazy self that I am… for rest of you treat this as any other crappy article of mine….