Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Best Bargain....

This weekend it was great, I mean we(Thulthul, Sudo and Me) watched two movies and paid for just one. We went to see this movie GULAL, it was scheduled at 10-30 and we were there till 11 and still no doors opened nor any sign of the movie, that’s when we came to know that due to some technical snags the movie is not going to be screened. What the F?
That’s when our Thulthul got into act. He acted like out-of-engineering-college-working-in-an-IT-firm guy who screams at every single thing, but this time he was right. I mean he made sure that the PVR guys pay for their faults. So we vexed them till they gave us free tickets for Curios Case of Benjamin Button and refunded for the GULAL tickets. We won, Mission Accomplished.
The next day we went and got our movie: GULAL. It is wonderful, I loved the movie.
But THULTHUL my man you rock!