Friday, May 1, 2009

The Beginning of my book...

Its been a long time since I am thinking about writing a story, after many an unsuccessful and half hearted attempts, I have thought of putting together a few short stories, this is one of the few that might get into the book. So I need your help and inputs for the story. You can leave a comment if you like it dislike it or think I should go ahead with this... Waiting for your responses:

11th September 2008:

The rain was insistent since the morning. Rahul was getting late for his office. All the buses were going full. No bus seems to have a single seat. After letting four buses go by, he found a bus with one empty seat in the back row. He dashed in and as he was about to sit on it he dashed into Asha, the books she was carrying fell in a heap. He apologised to her and picked the books, she simply nodded.
The rain had picked up the pace and there was no way it was going to calm down. The bus moved.
Rahul works in an MNC in Noida, his company bus picks him up everyday from Nehru Place, but today he missed it by a couple of minute and therefore had to do with Blueline. Asha goes to her college in Noida everyday in the same bus.
As they settled down, the conductor came and they paid for their tickets. For the first time Rahul looked sideways and his eyes saw one of the most innocent faces that he had ever seen in his life. Asha was looking outside, fresh wet air was playing with her hair, at times they would bring a strand on her face and then she would flip them back with her hand. He got lost in her. The bus stopped at sector 18, Asha stood up to get down, so did Rahul. It was not raining anymore. Asha took an auto, Rahul stood there for sometime and then he walked to his office.

12th September 2008:

I reached the stop on time, the company bus was right there but I didn’t want to take it. So I hid behind a tea stall, SMSed a colleague that I would be late and they need not wait for me. The bus took off at the scheduled time. I waited at the Noida bus terminus, I was looking for her. I saw her, she was wearing a white top and blue denim, she was carrying some books. Probably she goes to college. She looked at me for a moment, probably she didn’t recognise me. She entered the bus no. 493. I followed her. I went upto her and asked if I could sit next to her, she smiled and then nodded, probably she recognised me. Her name is Asha, it’s written on her book.

I reached the bus stop on time, the guy who had dashed into me yesterday was there too. I feel he was waiting for me. I took the usual 493, he followed me too. I was bit scared, thinking him to be like usual guys who follow every other girl. But he is not like others, he came near my seat and asked whether he could sit next to me. I nodded in affirmation. He is working in some company, I don’t remember the name, it was written on his i-card, his name is Rahul Sharma, I remember that. He is decent looking and seems to be having a good job. I got down at my stop in Noida, and took an auto to the college.

13th September 2008:

By the time I reached, Bus no.493 was already there, I took my position behind the tea stall, waiting for her. She came from Kalka temple side. She was looking even more beautiful than yesterday. I was dreaming about her whole day yesterday, I don’t know what has happened to me. Am I falling in love? She went in to the bus I followed her, she had taken the seat right behind the driver’s but the seat next to her was occupied. I stood there. She seemed to have noticed me. But she didn’t look at me. She was looking outside the window. The bus reached Noida, we got down and like yesterday she took an auto and went. I walked towards my office.

He was there again, I saw him. But didn’t look at him, I didn’t want to give any signal to him. The bus was half filled when I entered the bus. But I took the seat behind the driver’s as it had another passenger an elderly woman already sitting, I was hoping he would find a seat for himself and sit somewhere else. But he didn’t, he rather stayed there. It’s nice to get attention of a guy but I am a bit nervous. Only I know the secret...