Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The first rain of the season...

Delhi is very mercurial, and when I say that I mean both people and weather. You see tempers flying and People not shying away from a fight, and when it comes to weather you see the extremities quite clearly. The summer this year has been no different, it has been a hot oven for the last few days. But then God was in a lighter mood yesterday and that’s why he tried to give us a discount from the deadly heat by opening up the sky for us.

Okay after all those here, there and everywhere lines were just to show the philosophical side of me, I would rather put it in straight words, it rained yesterday. Thank God.
I was to meet Tamo in the evening and therefore was waiting for an auto outside the office. And it started raining. I am the kind of person who love to have a fair share of getting-wet-in-the-rain moments every year and this being the first rain of the year I didn’t want to miss the chance.

Rain brings with it the fresh fragrance of the earth and the sweet music of the nature; the pitter-patter of rain drops on the window panes, the metallic tone of the drops hitting the tin roof or the simple gushing of the wind, everything is so musical.

Rain is always nostalgic; it brings back a lot of memories, some sweet some not so sweet ones. The naughtiness of the childhood days, the football matches with friends, samosa and chai in the adda, dance on the terrace to the beat of rain, holding her hand, bike rides, teenage romance, Shubha Mudgal’s Abb Ke Saawan, paper boat races, garam jalebis, hot pakoras, giving your umbrella to the prettiest girl in the school and reaching home completely drenched, playing in the mud or simply listening to the sweet music of falling water. Rain was so much more than just getting drenched.

Rain has always been associated with romance, and romance it is that the rain brings with it. Bollywood always has a soft corner towards rain, let it be the romantic pyaar hua ikraar hua or sensuous tip tip barsa paani. They have always been a part of bollywood. There was a time when a movie was incomplete without their share of rain dance. Rain was metaphored for every emotion may it be happiness or sorrow. May it be love or betryal, rain is wonderful, rain is blissful.

Life has become hectic and somewhere, we have alienated ourselves from the pleasure of indulging in the rain. Here’s to falling in love with rain all over again...