Sunday, May 3, 2009

How to kill a 'meeting' bird...

Meetings are never my cup of tea, I usually doze off half way through. I never understand why do we have a meeting when we can all be fine with just a call. I seriously do not understand. Yesterday this client of ours called us to their office just to ask us the progress of the study, I mean in which part of the world are you, haven’t you heard of an invention called E-MAIL or for that matter PHONE. Graham Bell must fuming at his own invention, we don’t need your stuff Mr Bell, please take it back and return that Noble.

Then you run into these gyaan sessions where the best you can do is shut your brain and dream about any PYT sitting near you. But then be careful, these Gyaan Gurus can sense your absence and turn to you with a question that even they find difficult understanding, let alone answering. So what would people like me do. Okay so this is one is for those people who think meetings to be a sheer waste of their time.

Carry a note pad with you, this is your weapon for mass destruction (read, killing time). If you are artistic kind you can use your time sketching all people in the room. If you are just words then scribble down any peculiar behaviour that you see in the people around and wow the time will just fly away. Okay you are like me, then just play tic-tac-toe. But for that you need to find an equally disgusted-with-the-meeting kinda person next to you, well thats not difficult.

You can always impress a girl in such meetings. Just look around for the most boring expression on the most beautiful face during the session, and when there is a session break try to move close to her or better just start with a hello or something like ‘What a boring session’, if she agrees and smiles, then find a place near her seat. What next? Simple, make your writing pad a yahoo messenger. Start with simple things like what do you do? And then try to make it funny, girls always fall for good humour. Then go on to ask her out for coffee after the session. If she agrees then atleast there would be some outcome of the meeting. If she denies, don’t loose heart there would definitely be more meetings and thus more opportunity.

P.S.: Find a sample on top right, of how to kill time
P.P.S.: There is no chats with PYTs in the sample, as they are classifieds
P.P.P.S.: Boss, if you are reading this article, all I wanna say is “It wasn’t me”


Anuj said...

Try a game called Bullshit Bingo ...