Friday, June 11, 2010


I was in the office cab and from somewhere we started talking about this war thing. The old mythological war. And I am sure about my generation, who have seen Mr Ramanada Sagar’s Magnum Opus: Ramayan and Mahabharat, must remember that they use to have this code of conduct by which the war ended at evening. I mean there was no war at night.

We were thinking, say for example. Arjun (The Mahabharat Fame) has drawn his bow and then at the far end you hear the sound of hooter and the oh-so-familiar-voice of Mr Bachchan saying: 'Afsoos Mr Arjun, samay samapti ki ghoshana’ (Alas! Mr Arjun, that ends today’s episode)

And then think how would the war be starting the next day. Think of a situation when Bhim would have disarmed his opponent and about to smash his club on him when hooter was blown, next day they should start at the same position or not? Secondly did they fight the same opponent they fought yesterday. Or can they choose to change. Who use to be the match refree, to ensure that no one is cheating?

I think the stoppage of war at night is more to do with the fact that there is no light than anything else. And therefore, if there is a cloudy weather and the light is below permissible limit. Is the war suspended?

And wat about the cheergirls. Just think of the boundaries of the War field with Cheer Girls jumping around with every single good move. How interesting and colorful would that be. Well that’s a bit far-fetched.

And I have never seen any star warrior getting killed by a minnow. Is that by rule or is that by respect. I mean a lowly soldier coming close to Yudhistir, almost ready to take his shot and realising its him, says: ‘Oh Shit jyasttha bhrata shree, oops I am sorry’। And goes away.

Sorry for annoying any sentiments!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

तुम्हारे घर की वोह छत

याद होगा तुम्हे,
वोह गर्मियों की शामें
जो गुजरती थी तुम्हारे
घर के छत पर।

सारी दुनिया से दूर
दोनों में खोए हुए
घंटों काट देते थे उस छत पर
तुम ले आती थी
साथ अपने दो प्याली चाय की
और में चुरा लता था कुछ नज़्म गुलज़ार के
और कुछ कबूतर बैठे रहते थे साथ हमारे

यूँही पूरी शाम गुज़र जाती थी
एक दूजे को उन ग़ज़लों में ढूँढ़ते हुए

और फिर एक शाम मैं तो आया
पर तुम न थी साथ मेरे
अब रोज़ तेरे आमद का
इंतजार करता रहता हूँ

सुना हैं आज भी उस छत पर कोई दो जोड़े
मिला करते हैं
दो अध् - पिए चाए की प्याली भी थी रखी हुई
कुच्छ कबूतर थे बैठे हुए,
और वोह गुलज़ार की किताब
पड़ी थी उस पत्थर की मेज़ पर ...

A Bowling Match - 2 : Revenge of Nirep!!!

It was not actually revenge rather a point to be proved kinda match. I always thought that i am a better player. So getting beaten by Nirepinder for the first time at Bowling was like a wake up call for me. But then I thought it was just a bad game and then challenged Nirep for another set of games. This time i was sure that the things would change and I would reclaim my lost glory.

Well no such thing happened. There were a couple of close games. So I graduated from losing badly to gave-a-fight. Thats it, thats all that happened. I played my heart out and still lost the game. Nirep said: ' Well you tried your best'. Which means your best is not good enough and I sulked more. Well, winning and losing is a part of life and why do i have to lose all the time. Cant I win once?

I need a divine intervention next time. Nirep you played well.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A Bowling Match

Long time back when bowling was supposedly the coolest thing to do. There was a guy who played it like no one did it in his group. He was thus the coolest guy in the group. Some year later he was back at an alley and there also performed pretty well, thus reconfirming his belief that there can never be a bad day when he has a ball in his hand and ten pins waiting to be rolled. But they say sunny days are not there for long and so it was for him.

Yesterday this guy went out playing with his bosses. Knowing that they are older than him and probably a bit less cooler, he thought he would be able to spun his magic again. But he was grossly mistaken. He was bitten, smashed and downright squashed by the two. Well that guy was me and the people who trashed me are: Nirepinder and Anuj.

I started the game pretty well and then lost to Nirepinder, with only a few points margin. Anuj was nowhere in the contention at that time. Then in the second match: Me Vs Nirep, I was demolished beyond repair. But as they say beauty lies in the fight and I decided to fight again. Well I was wrong: Sense lies in accepting defeat and moving on. I lost again, this time even Anuj scored better than me!

Nirepinder was on cloud 9, he won all the matches. I had a bruised ego and a trampled spirit. But I am not going to give up: Wait tomorrow and I will be back with a bang. Nirepinder watch out!