Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Bowling Match - 2 : Revenge of Nirep!!!

It was not actually revenge rather a point to be proved kinda match. I always thought that i am a better player. So getting beaten by Nirepinder for the first time at Bowling was like a wake up call for me. But then I thought it was just a bad game and then challenged Nirep for another set of games. This time i was sure that the things would change and I would reclaim my lost glory.

Well no such thing happened. There were a couple of close games. So I graduated from losing badly to gave-a-fight. Thats it, thats all that happened. I played my heart out and still lost the game. Nirep said: ' Well you tried your best'. Which means your best is not good enough and I sulked more. Well, winning and losing is a part of life and why do i have to lose all the time. Cant I win once?

I need a divine intervention next time. Nirep you played well.