Monday, April 20, 2009

Move on...

The question keeps coming to me. It was always there, but more so now. I don’t know whether I have been able to provide right answer or not. Cause I know that the question still lies there and I need to face it every single morning. I have woke up and the first thing that comes to my mind is the question.
It’s a rat race and we have named it life and the way of living. We have accepted everything that we see and believe that whatever is happening is all a part of life and they need to go that way. Dreams have been confined to sojourn of lonely mind in deep sleeps only. Are we happy with ourself? Is the face in the mirror the same that I want to see? Am I smiling coz I need to or coz I have to? Is every action of mine is a reaction or synchronised? Monotony, pressure, demands and aspirations have taken the front seat and all that mattered for living, love, happiness, friends and friendship have all been nicely pushed under the carpet. I think I have had enough of all these and now the time has come to wake up, probably move on...