Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Visit Home

Its been quite sometime since I last wrote. Must owe this to some hectic travels in the weekends. Lets start with my visit to home. I went home around the Navratra times. Since childhood days its been one of my fav times. We have this beautiful Ram Mandir infront our house and during navratras they have these pravachans going on and Baba, maa and myself, we sit in the garden sipping our tea and chatting about anything and everything with the backdrop of Ramayan. It feels divine, to me atleast. So this time was certainly going to be special.
It was a lonely Bhubaneswar, with not much of my friends there. I had my cousin’s wedding to attend, my reason for visit. The wedding was fun and with friends and family the time speeds away.
I took some time out to visit my old adda, the place where I spent most of my time during my college days. New faces have taken over the old ones, even the chai wala bhaiya is no more there. I think the guy is his younger brother. Things have changed, but they still have the shadow of yesterdays. Shweta has opened a new restaurant and I visited that also, its a cool joint. I was there last time also. Anup would be coming to India next month, probably I would be planning visit then.
We all behave like birds, we all learnt how to fly together, spent times talking about our successes and failures, our dreams and fears and today... we all have flown away... far away from each other. Now when I look back to those old days when DJ used to be the big entertainer enacting every other guy on the road, or Saurav whom we used to tease a lot... and Dada whose wise old guy look was butt of all jokes. Five days went away like a jiffy and when I woke up on Sunday it was time for me to leave.