Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Vella Day in the office

A vella day in the office. This morning when I woke up, I thought theres a lot to do, so I came office a bit early, finished my 10:30, and then on I am left with nothing else to do…

Ankur, Nitant and Me, the trio is completely vella. Wanted to do something productive but then I realized I am in office so being productive is not an option. Nitant and me have joined the ‘Ankur ki le li’ gang, the only motto of this gang is to take Ankur's trip on every single chance. We have been sincere in our effort so far.

One thing about not working is feel like there is no work, and that is no fun. The best fun as Anuj had mentioned in his blog is, when you have loads to do and still don’t do anything. It gives a sense of supreme power. That reminds me of something that I was thinking for a long time, what is the best job in the whole world. That must be watching other people working for you and you need not do a single thing. You just order and they place it right infront of you. That makes me think of Aladin, did ever work. I mean other than chasing Princess Jasmine, fighting the odd villains and roaming on the QALEEN the carpet did ever do anything and if he did he must be crazy. Which guy would like to work when he has a genie to do everything at the snap of fingers. Wow! What a life that must be.

Sometimes when I think, and that happens rarely, I think of superpowers. I mean in movie, some unassuming guy gets some superpower and becomes a neighbourhood superhero, I wonder why can’t a spider bite me into a superhero, or a scientist make a batman, a radioactive ray turn me into a hulk. I would love to be more responsible and of course powerful.

Being a Jumper would definitely help, I hope u all are aware of jumpers (not the wearable one’s), these are the guys who can go to anyplace the wish to by just thinking about it. What life!

I asked Ankur what super power he wants, he wanted an X-ray vision, and guys must understand the reason. Saurabh wanted to travel into the past. Nitant as usual couldn’t comprehend the question: I asked “What superpower you want to be”. He replied “US of A”, I don’t blame him, he is suffering from ABCD: Acute Brain Cell Deficiency. Poor chap, but as Aamir Uncle said “Every child is special”….