Sunday, June 14, 2009

Women I would like to think about...

With 95% (Well the remaining 5% is reserved for Karan Johar and Co.) of male thinking about women all the time I was thinking who would be the women that I would like think about... So here comes the chart of top five women I would like to think about:
5.Fizz: Did I hear a who, well she is the character in Tarun Tejpal's 'Alchemy of Desire' cannot help but think about her, she is right now taking up almost 12% of my braind space, a very individualistic, independent and opinionated woman. Well, might not be as big as Scarlett O'hara but definitely more believable than her...
4. Priyanka Gandhi: Has been trying a lot to know her for a long time. She was a long time crush but then Aishwarya out lasted her and then there was Alicia Silverstone and so on... but now that she is making all the right noises I would definitely like to know her.
3. Megan Fox: You have seen her on the maxim cover and then she blew you off with her performance in Transformer, with tattoos all over her body, I would definitely like to know her, rather closely
2. Suu Kyi: Of course with the power that she has and the respect that she gets from her followers and the conviction she has shown in the cause that she believes in I would be definitely thinking about her
1. Jhumpa Lahiri: Never thought she was this hot untill I saw a picture of her, with tht bod and a brain to die for I don't find anyone better than her to top the list

Maniac Sunday

I don’t plan my Sundays but then there are exceptions, this was one of them I had my book full: Morning to be spent loitering lazily across the nai sarak second hand book stores and then get some books for myself. I am used to getting books and not finishing them, I am thru tht phase so the books no more worry me. Then I would have a very special lunch laid down by Hari Bhai, where I would play guess-what-it-is with the food that he would have prepared and then I would go catch a movie, been a long long time since I have done that and now that the theatres have opened their doors to new releases I think I should make myself available to their services. But then there was no such luck. I opened my eyes to the alarm of my mobile phone which was set to 7-30, cursing myself I re-adjusted the time to 8-00 half hour doesn’t make a difference. But then it did, I forgot to save it and by the time I woke up it was 10-30. Deepti messaged tht she won’t be able to join me at Nai Sarak, and not to so enthu me thought to scrap the first plan of the day. Some genius has said that Morning Shows the Day, he was referring to me. I was soon reminded of a pending work at the office and rushed to finish it off and then when I was almost done with the work I realized my mailbox ain’t working and the mail was not sent.

Now that I have been half way thru the Sunday and think that the movie might just go well without any hiccups I am trying to waste my time in the office… show at 3-45 pm and I have got exactly 1 hr and 29 minutes to waste…

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Language Portability

There is a problem that we all, by that I mean the people from East, face when we come to a more refined and accent-deprived Delhi it is called language portability. So for someone from my part of the woods there is no difference between, say Leave and Live and we use them very liberally. Similarly when we say Jade we actually mean ‘Z’ and ‘sss’ and ‘sshhh’ have got similar pronunciation.

The aforementioned are few basic mistakes that we make apart from more gross ones where we make a sentence sound completely different from what we intended to. For example when we say: Leave and let Leave, we mean the famous dialogue ‘Live and let Live’.

We don’t stop there we have peculiar sense of Hindi too. In oriya we don’t have a gender defined grammar, so we usually end up mixing it in Hindi too. So we have a ‘ka’ at a place where ‘ki’ would have been appropriate and vice versa. And while we speak we simply change their genders, thereby making things that we want to convey doubly difficult for people around us to understand. But then we have some evolved set among us who would take the charge of explaining the understood parts in their own understanding of Hindi and I pray for the souls of the hapless ones who have to bear the brunt.

So people who have been thru this rough ride of jee / Zee and sss / sshh please bear with us and we definitely would make you pick our accent very soon.

Monday, June 8, 2009

MIss You Dear Friend

A couple of year down the memory lane,
things were slightly different, with you by my side.
You remember sipping those hot cups of tea
Sitting on the railings of the French window,of your room.

Evenings used to long chat sessions,
Some nights were spent watching movies,
Or some talking to an unwelcomed friend.

Mornings were rush hours,
We rarely got to see each other then.
But the evenings were slightly laid back,
And we never missed a moment.

But then it wasn’t to be forever,
And then one day, you went away,
Not a single word was spoken,
No tears, Not even a good bye,
You just went away...

Miss you dear friend...

Let Them Be...

Sometime its really difficult to make choices and with people being so very judgemental all around us, we get into a doubly difficult situation. Getting into a relationship, staying in a relationship, continuing one or even thinking about moving out of one has so many more elements involved in it than the two most important people (The ones who complete it).

So you never know whether the smiling couple coming out of the theatre or sitting next to you are actually smiling in their relationship. And when these couples take the decision of moving out of the relationship which is hitting rock bottom, tongues start wagging and fingers pointed. I don’t understand why can’t we let these two grieving / otherwise souls on their own. And what right have we earned for ourselves to pass any kind of judgement against them.
Please let these people stay in peace, nobody wants to kill a relationship, it dies on its own and if we don’t know the whole truth then we shouldn’t speculate one.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Some Achievements

200 visitors... thanks guys for making this blog.. 200 people big...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Professional Hazards

Professional hazards is a term that we use very loosely, but do we always understand the meaning, no I don’t think so. Everyone has certain professional hazards or other, so do I and it comes in a 5 feet something size of completely dark skinned and very close to something called human being (which his actions refuses to acknowledge), a boss. Now we all are aware how bad can a boss be, but then you gotta be in my place to understand the agony that I go thru.

He has this fantasy of catching all his juniors on the back foot and hurl jaw breaking bouncers at them with Shoaib Akhtar’s ruthless pace. And me being adapt with Dhoniesque technology at times find it difficult to handle him with cautious ease, that a man (if we can say so) of his stature(if he has any) deserves. At times I loose my mind and give it back to him which I know is not a good sign for the curve called Career Growth. But there are so many things that you can learn from him, I have infact learnt a lot more from him than my Management Books:

1. Boss is always right: I mean with Papa (his nickname), he can never be wrong. I at times don’t understand how can God make such a perfect creature.

2. My Boss is a visionary: I mean just look at him, he is such a great person. Infront of client he can promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. Need guts man!!!

3. My Boss is perfectionist: So much so, that when first time he saw Monalisa, he pointed his finger and said “The smile is not perfect”. I mean he has an eye to pick faults, I mean nothing can be perfect without his approval. So now they have a higher order of quality check and they call it the Salt n Pepper Check, it has only .0000001% of error in every 1 billion.

4. My Boss believes in giving you complete ‘freedoom’: You either have to make yourself ‘free’ly available to his torture else he will ‘Doom’ your career.

5. He knows no Bias: My boss knows no bias, you are either good or bad, okay he decides that on the basis of your non-performance-oriented-skills which ranges from your looks to your openness to his building-castle-in-thin-air ideas.

6. My Boss believes in fun at work: He always has fun when we work our ass off.

Now that I have written so much and I am sure, I am gonna get fired the moment he reads this blog, I better switch window to naukri or c ya guys...