Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Language Portability

There is a problem that we all, by that I mean the people from East, face when we come to a more refined and accent-deprived Delhi it is called language portability. So for someone from my part of the woods there is no difference between, say Leave and Live and we use them very liberally. Similarly when we say Jade we actually mean ‘Z’ and ‘sss’ and ‘sshhh’ have got similar pronunciation.

The aforementioned are few basic mistakes that we make apart from more gross ones where we make a sentence sound completely different from what we intended to. For example when we say: Leave and let Leave, we mean the famous dialogue ‘Live and let Live’.

We don’t stop there we have peculiar sense of Hindi too. In oriya we don’t have a gender defined grammar, so we usually end up mixing it in Hindi too. So we have a ‘ka’ at a place where ‘ki’ would have been appropriate and vice versa. And while we speak we simply change their genders, thereby making things that we want to convey doubly difficult for people around us to understand. But then we have some evolved set among us who would take the charge of explaining the understood parts in their own understanding of Hindi and I pray for the souls of the hapless ones who have to bear the brunt.

So people who have been thru this rough ride of jee / Zee and sss / sshh please bear with us and we definitely would make you pick our accent very soon.