Saturday, June 6, 2009

Professional Hazards

Professional hazards is a term that we use very loosely, but do we always understand the meaning, no I don’t think so. Everyone has certain professional hazards or other, so do I and it comes in a 5 feet something size of completely dark skinned and very close to something called human being (which his actions refuses to acknowledge), a boss. Now we all are aware how bad can a boss be, but then you gotta be in my place to understand the agony that I go thru.

He has this fantasy of catching all his juniors on the back foot and hurl jaw breaking bouncers at them with Shoaib Akhtar’s ruthless pace. And me being adapt with Dhoniesque technology at times find it difficult to handle him with cautious ease, that a man (if we can say so) of his stature(if he has any) deserves. At times I loose my mind and give it back to him which I know is not a good sign for the curve called Career Growth. But there are so many things that you can learn from him, I have infact learnt a lot more from him than my Management Books:

1. Boss is always right: I mean with Papa (his nickname), he can never be wrong. I at times don’t understand how can God make such a perfect creature.

2. My Boss is a visionary: I mean just look at him, he is such a great person. Infront of client he can promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. Need guts man!!!

3. My Boss is perfectionist: So much so, that when first time he saw Monalisa, he pointed his finger and said “The smile is not perfect”. I mean he has an eye to pick faults, I mean nothing can be perfect without his approval. So now they have a higher order of quality check and they call it the Salt n Pepper Check, it has only .0000001% of error in every 1 billion.

4. My Boss believes in giving you complete ‘freedoom’: You either have to make yourself ‘free’ly available to his torture else he will ‘Doom’ your career.

5. He knows no Bias: My boss knows no bias, you are either good or bad, okay he decides that on the basis of your non-performance-oriented-skills which ranges from your looks to your openness to his building-castle-in-thin-air ideas.

6. My Boss believes in fun at work: He always has fun when we work our ass off.

Now that I have written so much and I am sure, I am gonna get fired the moment he reads this blog, I better switch window to naukri or c ya guys...