Sunday, June 14, 2009

Maniac Sunday

I don’t plan my Sundays but then there are exceptions, this was one of them I had my book full: Morning to be spent loitering lazily across the nai sarak second hand book stores and then get some books for myself. I am used to getting books and not finishing them, I am thru tht phase so the books no more worry me. Then I would have a very special lunch laid down by Hari Bhai, where I would play guess-what-it-is with the food that he would have prepared and then I would go catch a movie, been a long long time since I have done that and now that the theatres have opened their doors to new releases I think I should make myself available to their services. But then there was no such luck. I opened my eyes to the alarm of my mobile phone which was set to 7-30, cursing myself I re-adjusted the time to 8-00 half hour doesn’t make a difference. But then it did, I forgot to save it and by the time I woke up it was 10-30. Deepti messaged tht she won’t be able to join me at Nai Sarak, and not to so enthu me thought to scrap the first plan of the day. Some genius has said that Morning Shows the Day, he was referring to me. I was soon reminded of a pending work at the office and rushed to finish it off and then when I was almost done with the work I realized my mailbox ain’t working and the mail was not sent.

Now that I have been half way thru the Sunday and think that the movie might just go well without any hiccups I am trying to waste my time in the office… show at 3-45 pm and I have got exactly 1 hr and 29 minutes to waste…