Friday, November 21, 2008

To err is Plaban and Not to own it... is even more to be like him

When it comes to Data entry, a technical term for simple thing called copy and paste, I have Edward’s Scissorhands, actually everyone has tasted a bit of this when they have worked with me. It started with Navneet, Abhishek Deb and now even Ankur. So when it comes to entering data they have realized my Achilles’ Heel is Plaban’s Fingertips. Okay so this blog is as you must have guessed about the things that I am not good at (putting it politely), rather things that I am disaster at.
Data entry comes numero Uno. But then there are other things too, like I have so many unfinished books on my book shelf that I think I shud either stop reading altogether or start with finishing the one’s I have started. Then there is a frighteningly bad habit of forgetfulness, which most of my friends would agree to, I mean in the middle of a conversation I will forget the name. That’s not it I mean I have at times forgotten the name of my friends. Its like knowing new things every other minute, although there are certain things that you already knew
My laziness at work is not the talk of the town but of the country, I mean at times I look at Ankur and feel Wow! Man, look at him all the time at his desk and peeping into the PC, I mean that takes some courage I must say. By the way, no blogging or orkutting on his PC, strictly work. That’s what I say to myself, com’on, u need to be like that. Then I look at my PC blog page, orkut,, bollyextreme, proxy servers, and what not and I say to myself Wow! That’s life. And when I am working, I work as if I am doing a favour to the company. I mean who else would stroll out of the bay every ten minutes. Talk to every other guy he meets on the way and end up wasting half an hour. Coming to office early jus coz I get good breakfast, how bad can things be for me. I say, atleast come to office on time.
Talking of my cleanliness, rather not go there. I mean I tried cleaning my room and then I thought it to be an effort going in vain. Yesterday I entered my room and what do I see: pile of clothes, crumbled blanket, untidy bedcover and a half weight bathing towel, and all of them on my bed. Ohh God, thank god none of my friends visit my room, I mean they would just faint there, it takes a braveheart to be there, I pride myself of being one. I think only Bajaj can beat it. Some would want me to put those PJs of mine here too and I would not disappoint them. Yeah I have this habit of speaking at the most wrong times. I mean I had this really bad PJ infront of my professor, right when he was giving me a dressing down for breaking college discipline, I call it smiling in the face of adversities. Okay now I am touching a few sensitive topics, like my accent. I have this peculiar way of pronouncing egg: which translates into aeeegg. It so happened, I had to order for an egg magi and my accent played spoilt sport and it took fifteen minutes to make the mess guy understand that I was oredering for egg maggi and not ek (one) maggi. I must say, these Northies don’t have any respect for my Oriya Accent. You got to have an accent cause that differentiates you from the rest, see scots have an accent, irish guys have one, American, Russian they all have one and so do I. Jealousy, I say, pure jealousy. So as you can see the vices that I have, rather the ones that people presume that I have are actually otherwise.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A premiere show and a boring weekend...

The week was exciting with the work and fun mixed well. I mean the weekday wasn’t hectic but at the same time the work was well spread out to keep me going. Then there was the premiere show of Dostana. I never thought in the first place to go and see the movie but then, it just happened that Neetika had the tickets for the premiere show and a part of the ticket money went to the street children welfare and that was a good enuf coz for me to go and watch the movie. First thing that crossed my mind was shud I be going to watch this muvi alone, I mean a comedy movie, alone, not a great combination. So I called up U and she was more than willing to come for the movie. And thus we set out for the movie. The movie was good. It was fun and by the time it got over it was late and then we straight away hit home, without waiting for food. I dropped U and then reached home.

Come Saturday, we hit the badminton court and this time it was a game after a real long time. And we had company too. Richa had got a friend of hers, Vikalp. He seems to be a really good player and it was all very competitive matches. We played for long time, almost two and half hours. Lot of calories were burnt and I was in no mood to go home without my share of hot chocolate fudge, so Sumita and me went to Nirula’s as the rest decided otherwise.

Sunday was not great I was home all the time and nothing to talk about. I was thinking to go and see Dasvidaniya but then I was too lazy to move out of my home.

I finished a book this week: Scene from am Executive Life. A decent book to say the most. H.I.V.E. is half read and I am thinking to finish it the coming week.

I always think that Feb must have been one of the most hectic months some 24-26 years ago, I mean just look at the number of birthdays that we have in November. And add to that a few weddings and you are ready to file bankruptcy in the middle of the month.

Deepika left for Dubai this week. Deepak went home for his sister’s wedding and i really don’t know whether I would be able to be there for the wedding or not. Praneesh’s wedding is coming up and I am sure its going to be hectic again this week. Manish is not coming and of course he has already got his share of scoldings and abuses in shudh hindi. So he has got enuf though I think not good enuf. Yogesh is coming.

Hey another thing, Shilpa is also coming and that means, I would be meeting her after a year. Been a long time…
I shud try my hands at news reporting.. at times i feel my blog is more like a news portal....
Have to think of something nice next time....

Monday, November 10, 2008

A missed Marathon and Completed Book!!!

Just finished reading this book “The Kiterunner” by Khaled Hosseini. Infact, it was such a riveting and gripping story that I sat up all night reading the book. By the time it ended it was 5-30 am in the morning. I think every avid book reader must read this. Its an awesome tale. It was definitely a relief from the non-sensical stuffs that I was reading for a long time.

I missed the Marathon, bad health and sleepless night owing to my absence. Anuj had been to the marathon and messaged: ‘U shud hv cm. Was fun’. I surely did miss it. But the goodies bag were good enuf for me. I mean it had Deos, shaving creams, gym-bag, airtel vouchers and lot many thngs,more than enuf to keep the non-runners happy. Saturday was lazy and Sunday, which promised to be a bit hectic with the Marathon thingy, was even more so without Marathon. My health was down, I mean not well. So by evening I was completely bored, and I decided to hit a bookstore my fav stress-buster.

Seriously, as soon as I find myself in between books it feels like I am between some old lost friends. I am never sort of half read and unread books but then whenever I go to a bookstore I end up buying one more. So this time it was a Mark Walden one, H.I.V.E. (Higher Institute of Villainous Education). Sounds fun and I have heard tht its going to be made into a series, ala Harry Potter.

So my Sunday was not as boring as the morning showed and of course there was the “fun element”: HUM TUM, yeah a bored soul on a Sunday evening end up watching old flicks on TV.

Off late Hari bhai has started making some very very Un-Hari-Bhai type chais, I mean some good chais. So I think there is a raise in the house rent round the corner. Good things never come for free.

Saw two movies this week:

First Ankur, Reetu and me went to see “Fashion”, it was such a bad movie that half way we thought of walking out. Just the money spent on the movie glued us to the seat. Kangna Ranaut is not yet out of her ‘Woh Lamhe’ and ‘Gangster’ mode. Priyanka was not looking like a super model, she never does. Mugdha Godse was only good thing that happened to the movie.

Then, Sudhanshu, Monika and myself went to see “Quantum of Solace’, it was good. I mean non-Brasnan bond movies are not counted as Bond movies by me, so this one also didn’t feel like a Bond flick. Though, many would disagree and say Daniel Craig is a better Bond, but somehow his rawness is not Bond kind, I liked the polished Pierce Brosnan.

Dada played his last innings, out on a golden duck. Bad, isn’t it. Sorry for the great batsman. But of course he ended up in the league of Bradman. Century on debut and Golden duck in the end. But the 85 that he scored in his penultimate innings had Dada stamp all over. India won the match and the series. What a great way to hang your boots. I even liked the way Dhoni paid Dada tribute: He let him captain the later part of the innings and Dada didn’t disappoint by leading India to win, one last time.
Okay guys c ya soon with more from my side…

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Auto-Ordeal !!!

It’s the same story for me everyday for last couple of weeks; I wake up late then rush to get ready and then dash down the stair case, reach the auto stand and then wait for that elusive auto to arrive and take me to the office. Then I have fight with dozen other morons waiting there for the auto, and if I am lucky enough I get the auto in my first go else God knows when would I be able to get one. Monotony epitomized: I can close my eyes and do the rounds.It reminds me of my placement days, when we used to wait for the companies. I really don’t know wat kinda recruitment criteria do these auto fellas have in their mind. One I know is: ladies first, I mean if you’re a female and beautiful, then no matter which ever discrete corner of the road you are auto will definitely find you.

Okay I am not talking about my daily ordeal, it is about this girl who stands at the auto stop. So this girl comes to the auto stand all very decked up, invariably you will find three four guys standing/waiting for auto. Then enter this beauty and everything stops, all forget that they are waiting for auto, she sways, smiles, brushes her hair, looks at an auto (and the auto of course stops) and everyone just wait there looking at every step she makes (now that ‘every’ also includes me JJJ). Then she sits in the auto and vrooommmmm she goes…. Then the normalcy returns, every back to Auto-Hunting.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race, if you are a female you win it without even setting a foot forward.


Diwali was good.

Had been home this diwali. It’s a nice time to be home. Actually its great to be home anytime of the year. Lots of sweet and relatives, though I am not too keen on the later but the former is something that I can never do without. Have refrained from bursting crackers for a long time and so this year when I thought of bursting a few maa was concerned whether I have retained my expertise, without practice.

Cleaning the house, lighting the lamp and of course buying crackers are a few things that excites me even today. It brings back those childhood days of innocence, I really love it. Almost a week at home doing nothing, just eating home cooked food and resting. Bikash was home, we met after two years. Interestingly we met exactly after 2 years. I mean last we met it was his birthday two years ago. Again we met on his birthday. Its sad how work becomes priority and you start losing touch with people who were best buddies.

Spoke to Manish, he might not be able to come to Praneesh’s marriage. Got some work, he is boss is screwing him like anything. So Praneesh’s wedding would be fun but of course Manish gonna miss it all.

I read this book, Joker in the Pack. It’s same old IIM IIT stuff, got really bored of reading these stuffs want to read something nice. Something worth it, I have started Kiterunner, just to change my literary taste.

Post Diwali the biggest problem is you start eating so much of sweet that you get addicted to sweets and every day you yearn for some good burfis and stuffs. One of the good things about staying home is morning tea. I love the tea at home, here they some how mess up the recipe…
