Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Auto-Ordeal !!!

It’s the same story for me everyday for last couple of weeks; I wake up late then rush to get ready and then dash down the stair case, reach the auto stand and then wait for that elusive auto to arrive and take me to the office. Then I have fight with dozen other morons waiting there for the auto, and if I am lucky enough I get the auto in my first go else God knows when would I be able to get one. Monotony epitomized: I can close my eyes and do the rounds.It reminds me of my placement days, when we used to wait for the companies. I really don’t know wat kinda recruitment criteria do these auto fellas have in their mind. One I know is: ladies first, I mean if you’re a female and beautiful, then no matter which ever discrete corner of the road you are auto will definitely find you.

Okay I am not talking about my daily ordeal, it is about this girl who stands at the auto stop. So this girl comes to the auto stand all very decked up, invariably you will find three four guys standing/waiting for auto. Then enter this beauty and everything stops, all forget that they are waiting for auto, she sways, smiles, brushes her hair, looks at an auto (and the auto of course stops) and everyone just wait there looking at every step she makes (now that ‘every’ also includes me JJJ). Then she sits in the auto and vrooommmmm she goes…. Then the normalcy returns, every back to Auto-Hunting.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race, if you are a female you win it without even setting a foot forward.


Anuj said...

Well written Plaban ... couldn't agree more ... ;)