Friday, November 21, 2008

To err is Plaban and Not to own it... is even more to be like him

When it comes to Data entry, a technical term for simple thing called copy and paste, I have Edward’s Scissorhands, actually everyone has tasted a bit of this when they have worked with me. It started with Navneet, Abhishek Deb and now even Ankur. So when it comes to entering data they have realized my Achilles’ Heel is Plaban’s Fingertips. Okay so this blog is as you must have guessed about the things that I am not good at (putting it politely), rather things that I am disaster at.
Data entry comes numero Uno. But then there are other things too, like I have so many unfinished books on my book shelf that I think I shud either stop reading altogether or start with finishing the one’s I have started. Then there is a frighteningly bad habit of forgetfulness, which most of my friends would agree to, I mean in the middle of a conversation I will forget the name. That’s not it I mean I have at times forgotten the name of my friends. Its like knowing new things every other minute, although there are certain things that you already knew
My laziness at work is not the talk of the town but of the country, I mean at times I look at Ankur and feel Wow! Man, look at him all the time at his desk and peeping into the PC, I mean that takes some courage I must say. By the way, no blogging or orkutting on his PC, strictly work. That’s what I say to myself, com’on, u need to be like that. Then I look at my PC blog page, orkut,, bollyextreme, proxy servers, and what not and I say to myself Wow! That’s life. And when I am working, I work as if I am doing a favour to the company. I mean who else would stroll out of the bay every ten minutes. Talk to every other guy he meets on the way and end up wasting half an hour. Coming to office early jus coz I get good breakfast, how bad can things be for me. I say, atleast come to office on time.
Talking of my cleanliness, rather not go there. I mean I tried cleaning my room and then I thought it to be an effort going in vain. Yesterday I entered my room and what do I see: pile of clothes, crumbled blanket, untidy bedcover and a half weight bathing towel, and all of them on my bed. Ohh God, thank god none of my friends visit my room, I mean they would just faint there, it takes a braveheart to be there, I pride myself of being one. I think only Bajaj can beat it. Some would want me to put those PJs of mine here too and I would not disappoint them. Yeah I have this habit of speaking at the most wrong times. I mean I had this really bad PJ infront of my professor, right when he was giving me a dressing down for breaking college discipline, I call it smiling in the face of adversities. Okay now I am touching a few sensitive topics, like my accent. I have this peculiar way of pronouncing egg: which translates into aeeegg. It so happened, I had to order for an egg magi and my accent played spoilt sport and it took fifteen minutes to make the mess guy understand that I was oredering for egg maggi and not ek (one) maggi. I must say, these Northies don’t have any respect for my Oriya Accent. You got to have an accent cause that differentiates you from the rest, see scots have an accent, irish guys have one, American, Russian they all have one and so do I. Jealousy, I say, pure jealousy. So as you can see the vices that I have, rather the ones that people presume that I have are actually otherwise.