Monday, December 1, 2008

One More wicket falls!!!

It was Praneesh’s wedding, I had already missed his engagement and missing his wedding would mean that I would be crucified. So I took a bus from Bikaner House to Jaipur.The bus reached Jaipur around 5 pm, ths sun was setting down behind the hills. The whole scene was picture perfect. As the Sun’s rays outlined the hills, the silhouette of Amber fort was as if somebody has carved the outlines of the fort with golden ink. The setting Sun made the whole surrounding so very romantic, something that cannot be captured in any camera, it can only be felt. It was a wonderful trip to Jaipur, and the icing on the cake was the scenic beauty of the silhouetted Amber fort on the top of the hills.
I reached Praneesh’s place at around 8 pm and then got a bit of scolding from Didi and Praneesh for being late. Then I had my dinner, must say I had the best of vegetarian dishes and the sweets were really out of this world. I mean I really loved them like anything. I gorged on the food and by the time I was over I needed a crane to carry me. Next day was to begin early and that’s why we decided to sleep early. Though the India Vs England cricket match kept us awake till the end but as soon as the match got over we decided to call it a day. The next day we got ready to leave early but then as always the deadline happened to be the same old Indian Stretchable Time and we neednot stretch ourselves. Yogesh reached at 10 am. I had some company. I mean earlier also there were people around but then you cannot be comfortable with new acquaintances, so Yogesh saved me from the situation. We left for Alwar(Bride’s hometown). It was another beautiful car drive to Alwar, with hills and forest on either sides. We also chanced upon a couple of Barasinghas on our way.
We reached Alwar by 5 pm, the baraat left at 9 pm and the phera got over at 2 am, I am rushing thru these details coz I think most of us know what happens in between. Okay now for the inquisitive one’s specially the Bajaj kind, there were girls and of course beautiful ones. The Sali sahiba was really beautiful and being an air hostess she definitely was hot. The ususal chhed chhad, and all those stuffs made the wedding even more interesting. So as we returned to Jaipur, Yogesh said right before dozing off “It was great”, he meant the wedding. I couldn’t agree more.

Seeing a friend getting married, losing his freedom and still smiling is something that I think not many of us can do. I mean who else can smile at the face of a storm.

All said and done, I am sure Aarti and Praneesh are going to make a wonderful couple and I pray for their blissfully wedded life. God bless both of you…