Monday, December 22, 2008

The Coffee Break...

On cold winter evenings everyone loves to have a cup of coffee, and what better way to have it than with friends. So this Thursday, we (Richa, Nitant, Ankur, Anshuman and myself) were thru with work by 6-30 pm (which is early by all our standards) and thought to go out for coffee. This time for a change we were quick to choose the place of visit, it was to be La Café at Crown Plaza. My only reservations for such places come from the low decibel levels that you have to maintain, which means to be someone unlike me. But democracy, it gives you the freedom of expression but curtails the magnitude of implication (wow, must think seriously about writing stuffs). So then we went for the coffee thingy.
We probably were the youngest lot out there. There was this hep lookin aunty and uncle in a corner. There was this really beautiful girl, wearing an off white salwar with some guy, we later found out they were for a match-fixing (as in, thingy. They had there family sitting nearby discussing other things, while these two were left to discuss there life. What the F, I mean how can a boy and a girl discuss there life on a coffee table with the clattering of spoon from the adjacent table and blabbering of we-like people from the other. Moreover, everytime the girl looked towards the table occupied by the family, she had a few on lookers, giving those suggestive smile to her. Okay I wont go into it anymore.

The waiter set the menu infront of us and we all tried to find something that fitted our budget and tummy without burning a big hole in our wallets. We ordered some snacks. The best was that of Anshuman as that had complimentary breads and we all had it to our fill. Richa, Ankur and Myself had ordered some pasteries and Nitant had asked for Fillet with French fries.

Nitant was behaving very classy, I mean everytime we laughed (read, behaved cheaply) he was there to ‘shoo’ us down. But then our enthu was too much for him to handle and he too joined us. By the time the coffee party was over, the hotel management must have taken note of each one of us and asked the guards not to let us in the next time. Post that we got some pasteries and cakes. Then we returned home. It was a good break.

I wish that couple get some more quality time to spend with each other before they decide to get married, I mean if they at all do. The aunty needed a serious makeover. Okay I shdnt be the one to comment on ppl, but hey I have a blog and I can, so wat the heck, I will.


Razigan said...

Why the hell u don't believe on ur parents?

They have choosen the groom or bride after screening 40-50 horoscopes, his or her social image and technical ability to handle the married life. They also give a chance to look at each other to say Yes or NO.

What else u need? These guys want to try out everything before marraige that too with number of choices and at last would decide somebody whom u end up divorcing in two years of time.........

ha ha ha........
Hope my reply is strong enough, but I do want to try out something more.....