Friday, December 5, 2008

Revenge at last!!!

Khuda ke ghar mein der hai par andher nahin, at times the inverter takes sometime to get charged up. So it was one winter evening that I decided to take the revenge. For those who have missed the first part of this revenge thingy: I was conned by the Devil who doesn’t wear Prada (Richa). And thus I decided that I need to take revenge. She told me about a meeting that was never there and I had to wear formals on Friday and look fool, when everyone around was in most casual form.
So it thus happened that yesterday I called her up and told her that there is a meeting knowing that she would think it to be a prank where as there was a meeting scheduled. So that’s what she did and when she walked into the office blissfully for the no-meeting day, there it was the meeting. I don’t think this to be an apt reply but then a good one to console my bruised ego for sometime, till something better crops up in my mind….


Anonymous said... it turns out Mr. Plaban the joke was no you...'coz after all there was a meetign which i went for