Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Me and Savings...

Decemeber means that we need to have our investments done. Me being me always had to depend on others for the same. But this time I thought to save others the pain and decided to act smart and invest. I was able to save 50k, which is by my standard nothing less than a fortune.

I had 50k but I had to save 80k and what do I do, I get hold of a good agent for investment. So what I did, I invested in a Life Insurance with a free lock in period of 14 days, free lock in means that you can choose to take your money out within that time without gettin charged any extra. I got my tax certificate in a week's time. The next day I got the thing cancelled. I got back my money and with some jugad also the original certificate. the money that I got was then used to get the remaining 30k invested. And I was thru with a neat profit of 20k. Smart... Okay you can say so...