Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One Long Day at the office...

This one such day when I have nothing to do, Vivek (my boss) is sitting right next to me. So every time I open rediff to check score or bollyextreme to download songs or you tube to see something interesting I turn back and invariably find him peeping into my PC. Actually Monika is back from her honeymoon and our bay doesnt have enuf space for 7 ppl, so Vivek is sharing desk with. I know he doesnt want me to waste my time and clogging the official bandwidth and thats why he has strategically made himself sit right next to me. So now you might be thinking how did I manage to write this blog. Okay, Richa helped me out. I mean we switched places. She had some work and she went to my WS and me to hers. It was a cool move. Her WS is at a blind spot from where Vivek works, She sits right behind Vivek.

In these recession times its not easy working and I think lucky are those who are laid off. I mean atleast they have a job, of job job-hunting. The ones like us who are on job are more jobless than those who have been shown the doors. I mean with not more than one project at one time and at times you dont even have that. You feel so very bored at work.. but then u gotta show urself bz else u mi8 end up as the next in line for the pink slip. What a vicious circle. Its certainly killing me; Pretending to work. I give up... no I dont give up working... I give up lazying off.

Btw I never understood the pink slip thing. I mean is it some girl who invented this thing, pink slip. I am sure no guy would like to call a firing note a pink slip. I would rather call it a red card, as in football or a black card as in everything thts mournful needs to be coloured black.
But pink slip? Who would call it so... I dont know but I would never want to be given a Pink Slip. I mean even when they lay me off, give me a termination letter, throw me out of the door but never a pink slip.