Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What a lazy week...

This week was a complete opposite of the last one, I mean we had no work. Unlike last week when everything was on fire and we acted as LADDER 49 men, this week was A GOOD YEAR. Very slow, no work and we were all left to ourselves. Barring Monday I had no client calls to wake me up from my peaceful non-working status.

We had our office escapedes too. We went to see movies. Left office early and in between when we found time we did clean up some back logs.

I bought a few books. I think I am gonna finish them. I mean my quota for a month is filled. I bought, Tokyo Cancelled, The Godfather, TO Kill a Mocking Bird and Bunker 13. I know its a lot many books but I am planning to finish them all in the next month. Out of them Godfather was more of a collector thing, as I have already finished that. I was almost about to buy this Friends Collector book, but then I saw the price tag. I know it wasnt too pricey but then I thought lets save something for the rainy season.

I saw this movie Mulholland Drive, by David Lynch, the guy who made Memento. It is a nice one. I think I am developing this big love for Neo- Noirs. I loved all the Quentin Tarantino flicks, David Lynch stuffs. Am I getting corrupted. I mean the movies are so disturbing but I think these are a big high. Whenever you watch them, they give you such an adrenalin rush. I literally sit on the edge of the chair.