Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Man Vs Woman!!!

I was there standing next to a close friend of mine while he was getting the thrashing of his life, no not from his boss, rather from his girlfriend. The reason; same old he forgot their first gift anniversary, I mean ‘gimme a break’. That’s when this thing came to my mind that how things are so easy for guys to forget and how easy it is for a girl to remember every single thing. ‘You remember the colour of my shades when we first met’, I mean how am I gonna remember, when I doubt if I remember the day when we met.

We guys have this different kinda brain from girls. I mean everything is so very compartmentalized in the head. I mean each compartment dedicated to a single thought. If you are thinking about girls it will be the ladies compartment. Movies will be movie compartment and Sports, well, that’s a special one but still it has a separate compartment of its own. And girls, well they have these barb wire thing. Everything twisted twirled and wound around like a lump of wool. Everything is connected to one another.

So when your girl friend/wife would be asking you “How do I look today”, she is very well deciding the menu for the dinner on the basis of your reply. Shopping is a very good example, we need a pair of jeans, we would go to Levi’s pick one for ourself and return. A girl: well she will buy a pair of stilettos, a matching top and pair of earrings to go with the pair of jeans which she will invariably buy at the end. I mean why the confusion girl, you want something go get it.

The smartest woman I know was Eve, she made Adam look beyond apples, I mean who the hell gonna waste times on apple when you have such a beautiful (cannot say if she was beautiful or not but she was one secured girl, she never had competition) girl infront of you. And since then men have never looked back at apples and women have stopped being smart.

I know I am sounding like an MCP with all these sexist remarks, but frankly I have all the respect for women. This blog is written in lighter vain, so please keep it to that only.