Friday, December 5, 2008

Last Sunday of Nov...

Its been like a fixture, I mean every weekend we have a new player for badminton and then he/she doesn’t return. That just goes to show the standard of our game. I mean at times it plummets to the level of earthworm. I mean if they are able to lift the badminton racquet even they might believe that they can defeat us.
This is time it was another new face: Shobha, an ex-imrbite and Sumita’s friend.

Sumita was in her best form as she beat every other pair on the court left right and centre. Richa and me just managed to sneak in a win and then again the story continued. I have a complain I mean, its been quite a while since the team has munched on the calorie-enhancing diets (junk food) together. I stay back alone to do the honors of replenishing my lost calories.

The Sunday was boring, I mean I don’t hate going to work on Sunday but then this Sunday somehow I felt that I was harassed I mean I was so very much in love with my sleep(probably for the first time in my life), that I kept delaying the time to reach office. Atlast I did drag myself to the office and then when I reached, Ankur and Vivek had already been there. We had our lunch, almost a seven course meal for three of us, and dispersed. Okay the work part, I didn’t miss it, it just didn’t happen. I mean we talked what to do and what not but we ended up not doing anything. That’s the best part about the corporate world that all you do is meetings.

So post the work thing I got back home. Did see a few re runs, now these TV guys have not yet been out of their slumbers, the strike is still on.