Friday, December 5, 2008

Roadies is Back... What a relief to the TV Boredom

Beat your boredom watch Roadies. Its been a habit since the start of roadies that I look forward to this time of the year. Not that it is the only thing that makes me do so, but then of course it is one of those shows that I like so much that I have been watching it for last five years and can literally remember each and every Roady. The meaness of the characters and the group dynamism. I mean the reality show thing is taken to an altogether new heights. I know I am going over the board but I can’t help it.

So the show is back and I am more than happy about it. I am certainly gonna be the most ardent follower as always. Although this weekend I am gonna miss it as I would be going for Monika and Sudhanshu’s wedding. Its moving down under.

But whatever it is my weekends gonna be slightly less boring than the usual.
So this is to the Roadies Down Under!!!