Sunday, December 28, 2008

I learnt my Lesson...

I think... no I knew I was doing wrong but then, they say that its always easy to walk along the wrong path than the right one and thats what I was doing. I mean if you have read my last blog, you must have read that the bogus investment that I did. So when I told the same thing to Richa, unlike others, she was quite upset and told me that its not right. Of course she was right. I mean Thank You, it is for you that I was able to learn my mistakes and undo them. So the next thing that I did was I called my agent and asked him to cancel my present investment and re-invested. This time I did a right thing.
In a way it did remove a sense of guilt in me. I think it was a great learning. I mean we always take this cheap thrills by doing things against law. I mean everytime we are able to roam around the city with our seat belts off, everytime we smoke in public, everytime we are on mobile while driving, jumping the traffic signal and still not getting caught, we make a story out of it (the way I did) and of course we get quite an appreciating audience. The problem lies here, everyone takes pride in these cheap thrills. We all believe that we are fooling the government and it doesn't harm anyone else. But the truth is we are not fooling the government and it is we the people who are getting hurt in the whole process.

I would hence forth try to be a responsible citizen. Thank you Richa.