Thursday, November 20, 2008

A premiere show and a boring weekend...

The week was exciting with the work and fun mixed well. I mean the weekday wasn’t hectic but at the same time the work was well spread out to keep me going. Then there was the premiere show of Dostana. I never thought in the first place to go and see the movie but then, it just happened that Neetika had the tickets for the premiere show and a part of the ticket money went to the street children welfare and that was a good enuf coz for me to go and watch the movie. First thing that crossed my mind was shud I be going to watch this muvi alone, I mean a comedy movie, alone, not a great combination. So I called up U and she was more than willing to come for the movie. And thus we set out for the movie. The movie was good. It was fun and by the time it got over it was late and then we straight away hit home, without waiting for food. I dropped U and then reached home.

Come Saturday, we hit the badminton court and this time it was a game after a real long time. And we had company too. Richa had got a friend of hers, Vikalp. He seems to be a really good player and it was all very competitive matches. We played for long time, almost two and half hours. Lot of calories were burnt and I was in no mood to go home without my share of hot chocolate fudge, so Sumita and me went to Nirula’s as the rest decided otherwise.

Sunday was not great I was home all the time and nothing to talk about. I was thinking to go and see Dasvidaniya but then I was too lazy to move out of my home.

I finished a book this week: Scene from am Executive Life. A decent book to say the most. H.I.V.E. is half read and I am thinking to finish it the coming week.

I always think that Feb must have been one of the most hectic months some 24-26 years ago, I mean just look at the number of birthdays that we have in November. And add to that a few weddings and you are ready to file bankruptcy in the middle of the month.

Deepika left for Dubai this week. Deepak went home for his sister’s wedding and i really don’t know whether I would be able to be there for the wedding or not. Praneesh’s wedding is coming up and I am sure its going to be hectic again this week. Manish is not coming and of course he has already got his share of scoldings and abuses in shudh hindi. So he has got enuf though I think not good enuf. Yogesh is coming.

Hey another thing, Shilpa is also coming and that means, I would be meeting her after a year. Been a long time…
I shud try my hands at news reporting.. at times i feel my blog is more like a news portal....
Have to think of something nice next time....