Friday, February 6, 2009


It was a long tiring day. Its 1 am now and I am sitting infront of the lappy and blogging. Work has taken a front seat and other things have taken a definite back seat. The whole team is working there ass off, I think that’s the reason why we call it a team. Everyone works together and party together. So when I stayed late in the office, Ankur too stayed back to give me company. It’s a team and I am happy that I am part of this team. That makes me think what transforms a team into a great team, is it individual or the group? Had it been about individuals Real Madrid would have by now got all the major league trophies in its kitty, but no it is not about individuals. Every single member in the team makes an equal contribution to reach the common goal.
A team is like a jigsaw puzzle, every single bit is incomplete, but when you put them all together they come alive. Jigsaw puzzle also teaches us another thing about a team which at times we take for granted, which is realising the potential of each member and there place in the team. Only then can we achieve the right balance in the team and only a balanced team has the potential to deliver right results. And it is the leader who plays an important role at this point of time. Making every member realise what is their role, what is the expectation of the team from them and what is expected from them.
So what do you do when a team member does not abide by the rule or let’s put it this way when a team member does not feel like a part of a team? It’s like a piece of jigsaw going amiss and you have no clue where to find it.
Like the edges in the jigsaw every individual has some edge to their characters, some might get along in a team and others just don’t. Which means that the edges need to be smoothened, but how? Well your guess is as good as mine...
So till we get answer to this, lets scratch our head and do some brain storming.
Before I sign off, there’s another team which is making news all over, TEAM INDIA, they just won 9th ODI match in a row, first by any Indian Team, Dhoni is certainly a captain par excellence. So here goes a team with not bunch of individual performers but team players, a lot to be learnt from them... ANYONE LISTENING!!!