Monday, February 16, 2009

Boss in the Town!!!

This weekend I met Richa (Khandelwal) after a long time. She is my first boss. We both joined IMRB Delhi on the same day, though she was an old member of IMRB family, she had been working in Kolkata and Mumbai. I was in Navneet’s team but then I was to report to her and that’s how she became my first boss. I have learnt a lot from her and not only was she a good boss but also a very good friend. Some personal problems made her move to Kolkata and leave IMRB. We have been in touch with each other thru various modes of communication, but its been more than a year since we last met.
She was in Delhi this weekend and called me up. We decided to meet for dinner on Sunday, both being Chinese Food lovers, decided to go to Mainland China. We had quite a few catching up to do, long time since we had been talking face-to-face. It was a long dinner and by the time we bid good bye, we had chatted away for more than two hours. A great way to end the weekend, What better way than to meet a friend after such a long time.