Monday, February 16, 2009

On the wrong side of LAW

I had this brush with the law this weekend. I mean the weekend was not at all hectic, laid back and very under toned, given that it was a Valentine Weekend. But it was different in many ways than one. For the first, it was the weekend I was to be in Mumbai but then I had to cancel it owing to certain work related problems. Then I met my first boss (Richa K) after a long time. But the most exciting part was yet to come. I had a problem with law, okay I am exaggerating. Friday evening Shiv, Mia and Me were to coming outta Mia’s office in Raddison Hotel when we met with an accident, a mino0r one. There was a Jat in the driver seat of the other car and as always we had quite a time explaining him the basic driving rules and after some explaining, some shouting, we left. Not knowing that we were being followed. So we were stopped near the Sarojini Nagar police station, and had to lodge complaint, both of us hard one FIR against the other. That night we forget everything as we got together for a night out at Shiv’s place and then the next morning woke up to the call of the S.Nagar SHO, then had to go to the Police station, nobody was willing to come and that’s why it was only me and Shiv who ended up going to the police. I really never thought that our friends would turn their backs on us (and hey guys I am blaming YOU all), so we ended in the station early in the morning hoping that we don’t end up losing our DLs or something like that. We had a lawyer and Shiv’s dad was generous enough to accompany us. We had a long day in the station and then finally it was all over, we had to pay a minor let-us-off-the-hook token money to the SHO and we were off and so were the other guys. It was an experience of a lifetime.