Monday, February 16, 2009

A planned weekend going Kaput!!!

My weekend was fully planned. A comp-off on Friday, all tickets booked to leave for Mumbai early morning on Friday and then the whole weekend there. I was to meet Swati. We were meeting after a year, but then something happened and I had to cancel the whole thing. Never before have I done this, I mean Swati and me are friends since the days we learnt to write ‘Friendship’ but for the first time I have done anything like this. Never before have I planned anything and then cancelled at the last minute. So when I called her up and said “Hi! I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it, got some work and therefore have to cancel the plan. Sorry, really I mean it.” She heard it all, or so it seemed from the silence on the other side of the phone, then there was a click and the call ended, she hung up. I knew the silence was the lull before a cyclone and I dared not instigate the same and let it happen than catalyse it, I thought.
I didn’t get any call till evening and that’s when I decided to call her up. After several calls that went unanswered, she decided to end my agony and took the call. I was my apologetic self, she was her silent one, definitely whoever said that silence kills was definitely speaking of this moment. After my endless blabbering on how sorry I was about the whole thing, she spoke “You know what, I was looking forward to meeting you this weekend, and that’s why taken an off from the office and now you have suddenly come up with some work-excuse and I have nothing to do this weekend. You tell me what should I do?” I was stumped. I didn’t know what to say, but of course I promised that next weekend I will definitely make it and it was then that she cooled down. Now I know, work no work I need to fly down this weekend to Mumbai.
Friends are not only very important part of life but they are the heart of life, for had it not been for them the life would have been just about surviving and not living. We know work has taken a lot of importance in our life but then we should understand that these are the people who know us more than we do, so here’s to friends and friendship... Longlive!!!


Anonymous said...

a big time ditcher....
