Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The long weekend...

So the Jim Corbett plan is off for the time being. I mean it is postponed for now. So there we were all interested and excited for the Republic day weekend, when we were to get on bus/train/tempo or for that matter any mode of transport and head towards Jim Corbett, but now it’s all passe. So here is the weekend and no where to go. It started with two movies, Slumdog Millionaire and RAAZ 2, both good movies. Friday was at Rajesh’s place. I bought a laptop on Saturday, Sunday was again the same old badminton story. This time Navneet also joined us after a long long time. We had HCF and BB Mutton Burger after a long time. I mean after a game of badminton you definitely need something to replenish all that you have lost.
Bikash was shifting house, so I had to be there to help him out in setting his new place. So I was there on Monday at Noida. It’s a cool new place that he has taken up, in sec 19 in Noida. A park right infront of the house and a girls’ hostel at the end of the lane, what better place to take room. He would be putting up at the place alongwith a friend of his. In the evening I was to meet Mia at CP so I left Noida early and was home in time. Evening was a bit of shopping and dinner at this new place called Bonsai. The food was good and ambience even better. By the time I returned home it was really late, I was tired and crashed in the bed. The weekend was actually longggg... and when I say that it means that I have had enough of roaming around, playing and watching movies, in simple words I was bored at the end, too much of holiday at times is a killjoy...