Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are we truly Republic?

Yesterday we celebrated our 60th Republic day. But there has been a few incidents that mar this celebration. A day before the republic day celebration we witnessed another incident of uncivilised hooligans taking law into their hands. The place was a pub in Mangalore. These hooligans calling themselves Sri Ram Sena, went about beating the ladies in the pub, abusing them, calling all sort of names and even physically abusing them, all this in the name of religion and ethics. I mean who gives them the right to do these sort of things. Didnt we already have an MNS and Shiv Sainiks. Its such a shame, when we think that we are moving to be one of the superpowers and on the other hand we are unable to provide basic security to our women folks. We are country of free men and women, who have all the rights in the world to do whatever they feel like doing and no one should have the right to act as moral police. Government has been late to act on this, they have not yet taken any action against the outfit, even when the top leaders of this ‘gang’ has been giving sound-bytes praising the Ram Sainiks for their heinous act and even justifying them.
As if this was not enough we then had the MNS people vandalising a school in Pune, just because it was dominated by North Indians and had a bhojpuri song playing. What a reason for acting the way they did. I think we have had enough of Raj Thackeray and should put the man behind the bars.
Its high time that we act quick and decisively to stop such kind of hooliganism and provide a safe and civilised society to our countrymen. Happy Republic Day...