Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One wedding, two great souls and a big reunion...

15th Jan '09 - First Wedding of the Year

Last week I had been to Bhubaneswar. It was Jini and Saurav’s wedding. We have been friends for a long time. It was during the engineering time when the two fell in love and after seven years they decided to take the step ahead. I mean its such a great experience when you see your friends getting married. I was ofcourse happy for both of them. The wedding was a good excuse for a class re-union. It was like revisiting the days of engineering. Some have changed some have not but when the friends meet it like house on fire. They all are still the same old guys and gals, laughing at those silly jokes and making fun of each other, Anurag, Lucky, DJ and all the rest who made it to the party were really happy not only for the reason that they were attending the wedding but also for the reason that we all were meeting after such a long time. DJ actually surprised us all with his last minute entry, I mean he was not decided to reach the for the wedding, rather thats what he told us. But then the day of wedding he made it and thats what was a wonderful surprise.
So a two days of complete masti with friends and family and that’s the whole reason to attend a friend’s wedding. I mean you are not getting married which means the liscence to fun is still there and you dont need to go thru those tiring rituals all day long infront of the fire, in short you are having the fun at the cost of the buy who is having a trial by the fire.
Saurav and Jini, here’s winning you two a wonderfully married life and life full of happiness and success, may God be with you and loads of love for two of you. May god bless you!!!
It was a good break and great time to be home. I was not there on 1st Jan, for the first time in the entire of my life and thats why I was dying to be home. Though I hardly got anytime to be home. I mean home was like a place to sleep and thats it. Maa was complaining all the time for not spending any time with her. All the same it was awesome and now that I am back to Delhi, its work and monotony back to life...