Friday, January 2, 2009

The Year That Was...

The New Year’s Eve party was reminiscent of the year bygone. It started off with a lot of promises. As friends started to pour in we had fun and we are were all rocking. The party went on well past the midnight. The crowd was also good and food was awesome. As Tee and myself held our plates and watched our mocktails, we found Konda, Cinthol and Mia Down and out. So again the same rituals of carrying them home, getting a happy new year wish and scolding at the same time from Mia’s caretaker.
Year 2008 was similar in many ways. As a friend of mine and me were discussing, we found that the year has been of broken promises. The beginning seemed to be very promising and at times giving us a lot but then things have not ended very well. Putting it in her words “The dream Barbie doll was right their and as I stretched my hands it just vanished”. They say all’s well that end’s well and this has certainly not been a happy ending. As far as I am concerned, the year has been of great awakenings. A few personal losses, not much of professional achievements (barring the completion of Segments on the last day of the year) and many promises unfulfilled. I was tensed when Baba had collapsed and thank God he is doing well now.
This was a year of weddings. It started with Megha’s wedding. By the way I did the ‘kanyadaan’ for Swati’s wedding. So we had a filmi style elope-and-marry also. Praneesh got married, and it ended with Sudhanshu and Monika getting solemnized as couples. Wow what a year.
It was a year of long travels. I mean HeroHonda project mademe travel a lot and then we had some trips planned like the impromptu Mumbai trip, which was decided hours before I boarded the flight. The trip to Bajaj’s place and of course the Amritsar trip.
All the rosy pictures shown is not the way the year lasted all thru, I had some downs too. A few relationships gone sour and a few friends departing for career and family purposes to abroad and a few also returning from abroad to settle down here. Meeting some wonderful people and making friends with some lovely ones. New teams, new team members, new TLs and great times at work. Got to know a few people better.
It was a year of good movies also, I mean I watched a lot of movies, which I usually do but then this time I saw some good French, Iraqi and Chinese movies. And of course I learnt a lot about movies from AV of course.
One thing I can say is that the year has helped me learnt a lot about myself and people around, can’t say whether I have grown strong or not but then one thing I know is I have learnt about myself a lot more than before.
The year was not too great for me but it was not very bad either and as a few wisely thought ‘more importantly we lived through this year and people still love us for the way we are’.